year two - scaring professor binns half to death

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"you know, when i said that my day couldn't go worse, i didn't mean that as a challenge." kannika fails to stifle a laugh, barely dodging the pillow jinah sends flying. currently seated in the hufflepuff girl's dorm, both of them were up to their head in work, having put off their assignments that were due on halloween for the day before halloween, thoroughly regretting it later on.

"yes, well, might i remind you that it was your idea not to do any of flitwick's assignments," kannika says easily, tossing her best friend a chocolate bar. jinah accepts it gratefully, turning so that she was laying on her side as she sizes up the mountain of homework next to kannika's bed. 

"when i initially proposed the idea, i didn't think that my day would go so horrendously, now did i?" jinah groans, munching on the chocolate bar. "i mean, from the howler this morning, the bang-up job donghyuck did of convincing renjun that i was the one who stole his potions scrolls, and all the way to the way jaemin purposefully sabotaged my herbology assignment? literally everything has gone wrong, nini."

kannika hums, opening up a chocolate bar of her own, as she mulls over jinah's ramble.

"the howler wasn't even for you though; it was for jeno - although he deserved it, in my opinion. bewitching your shoes to make oinking noises every time you walked? funny, but cruel," kannika says, giggling as she recollected the incident from last week. jinah had to walk barefoot for the entire day, given that the charm was cast in such a way that it would follow her no matter what shoes she wore. 

"that's what you're thinking about? i'm more concerned about the fact that jaemin figured out how to do such complicated magic already. even professor flitwick wasn't able to get it off!" jinah exclaims, finishing off the rest of her chocolate bar in one go. kannika's eyebrows furrow as she tilts her head questioningly.

"wasn't your brother the one who got the howler? what does jaemin have to do anything with this?" she asks, getting up to dispose of her chocolate bar wrapper. 

"nini, everything always has to do with that imbecile. my brother isn't dumb, per se, but he isn't capable enough for charms that complicated. donghyuck's more potions oriented to even think of conjuring up a spell like that and renjun, to put it simply, couldn't care enough to. besides, out of all of them, jaemin's the only one childish enough to come up with a prank like that anyway." kannika just hums in response to jinah's somewhat pretentious rant, smiling softly before wiping it off of her face for the sake of pretending to be of solace to her dramatic best friend.

"now, putting that aside, what is this i hear about donghyuck and renjun's potions scrolls?" kannika asks, laughing when jinah groans and dives face-first into the pillow, delivering yet another (albeit a little more unintelligible than kannika was used to) speech about how her brother and his "good for nothing, snivelling little friends" were going to be the death of her.

needless to say, professor flitwick is not very happy when he sees the pair rush into class the next day with half-finished scrolls. 


"come on jin, it'll be so much fun!" jeno protests, dragging his sister by the arm and miserably failing. jinah gives him an unimpressed look which would have, in the past, caused him to let go of her arm as if she had spattergroit but the more time he spent with jaemin, the less susceptible jeno was to her death stare.

hmm, she was going to have to do something to change that sometime soon.

"absolutely not, jeno. i am not going to babysit your friends on halloween when i have much better things to do," jinah returns, looking to see if kannika was anywhere in the vicinity so she could latch her brother onto her best friend instead. but of course, her efforts were fruitless when she remembers that hufflepuffs and ravenclaws have herbology together right then, leaving her without defense. 

"it's not babysitting, jin! you'll be pulling the prank with us," jeno says with a wheedling tone, blanching when he sees jinah mime throwing up at the high-pitched quality of his voice.

"and give me one reason why they want me to join them - because you definitely aren't stupid enough to come up with this idea - and another reason why i should join your friends on scaring poor professor binns half to death?" jinah says drily. jeno backtracks at that, squinting at his sister suspiciously.

"you know that professor binns is dead, right? he's a ghost. he's dead dead," jeno says, looking at jinah confusedly when she sighs and shakes her head despondently.

"i cannot believe i'm twins with a person with the emotional range of a teaspoon. jeno, it's called sarcasm. i don't suppose you've ever heard of it," jinah retorts, rolling her eyes when she sees the lightbulb go off in jeno's head once he reanalyzes what he just said. 

"first of all, dear sister, that's not very kind of you. and second of all, you might be a pain in the behind but there's no one better at charms than you are," jeno says, latching onto her arm again. jinah's eyebrows raise at that, looking at him strangely.

"what do you mean? you've got jaemin, don't you? if my shoes are anything to go by, i'd say that he's fabulous at charms," jinah says. jeno mirrors jinah's curious expression.

"what do you mean? wait, hold on, i can't believe you just said that jaemin is fabulous at charms. and besides that, jaemin wasn't the person who charmed your shoes. he was the one who cast the counter so that the charm would eventually disappear," jeno says, watching as jinah grows pensive. 

"you're telling me that someone pulled a prank on me and it wasn't the four of you? and that jaemin cast a counter? for me? did you put him up to it?" jeno shrugs. 

"nah. none of us could figure who did it and jaemin said that the oinking was so loud, and i quote, 'my dead grandmother was rolling in her grave' so he decided to find the counter."

jinah's mind goes whirring at this, unable to fully comprehend what her brother had just revealed. 

"then what about the howler?" jinah demanded, crossing her arms over her chest protectively. jeno rubs his neck sheepishly, blushing a scarlet red as he recalls the horrid red envelope screeching incomprehensibly at him yesterday during breakfast. 

"yeah, that was me. after the oinking thing, i wanted to see if i could try a different animal sound but the charm was too complicated for anything we've learned yet in class. but mother - i don't know how - caught wind of me pulling a prank on you, and so, the howler." jinah huffs at jeno, leaning against the wall behind her, apologizing when she nearly leans on a portrait.

jeno was stupid but he certainly wasn't a liar. if he was telling her this, that meant that to the best of his knowledge, that truly was what happened. fine. she didn't like being indebted - especially not to someone like jaemin na.

"alright. i'm in." jeno looks at her incredulously, staring at her as she just shrugs casually.

"what? there's a first time for everything."


a/n: updating schedule? what the hell is that? enjoy my 12:09 a.m. word vomit that was induced by the six lifesavers, one stick of gum, and a crazy conversation i had with my boyfriend <3

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