year one - of snakes and lions and...badgers?

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the journey to hogwarts passes by much too quickly for jinah, who was busy getting to know her new friend. but soon enough, the train comes to a screeching halt and they're on their way to hogwarts. the uniforms that they had switched into were almost depressingly bleak without the colors of the houses they were in to keep it festive, but for some reason, jinah felt as though the neutral grays suited her well and wasn't nearly as vocal as kannika was about the abhorrent lack of color.

"what house d'you think you'll get into?" jinah ponders, watching as the subtle ripples of the inky black lake pushes them forward towards hogwarts. kannika shrugs, half-tempted to reach out and touch the surface of the lake, although the inkiness of the water deterred her from doing so.

"i dunno. i don't even know what houses are. not really, anyway," kannika says, and there's a hint of forlorn yearning for understanding that jinah is able to decipher from her tone.

"oh! you don't have to worry about that. i'm here, aren't i?" jinah says with a bright smile. "one of them is ravenclaw; they say that those who value knowledge and crave creativity go there to learn and thrive."

"another one is gryffindor! that's the one i want to go to. it's for those who have a heart of steel and are willing to take on any challenge. or it's house of bravery," jinah continues.

"and there's hufflepuff. you didn't hear this from me, but i was told that all hufflepuffs are a little goofy in the head and they're kind enough for all of the students, but they're not particularly bright or outstanding." jinah's face hardens before she opens her mouth to speak again, and kannika gets the feeling that the next house isn't one she's was quite fond of.

"and finally, slytherin. they're supposed to be the house of cunning and wit, but i say that they're just the house of pure evil, to be honest. of course, you-know-who is from that house, so as long as you avoid that house, you'll be fine," jinah proclaims, no sooner than when their boat bumps unceremoniously into the shallow basin of the lake.

kannika frowns as they stumble out of the boat, following the hoards of children to the great brown doors into hogwarts which was looming over them.

"i don't know, jinah," she begins, stumbling over her own robe as she tries to match jinah's brisk pace as they march towards the looming castle's front doors. "isn't unfair to categorize every person from slytherin to be evil just because of this weird you-know-who fellow."

jinah side-eyes kannika. "you're just too naïve, kannika."

the other girl doesn't have a chance to retaliate, their conversation being interrupted by an older looking woman, with a stern set of her lips but kind eyes.

"welcome to hogwarts," she said as she guided them through the winding stone corridors of hogwarts. kannika and jinah nearly tripped over each other multiple times as they tried to take in all of the magnificence of hogwarts, with kannika being more fascinated by the moving portraits on the walls more than anything else.

she ushered them into a small chamber to the right of massive brown doors, where jinah could hear hundreds of voices chattering about, realizing that the rest of the students at hogwarts would end up watching them as they walked up to be sorted.

"...while you are at hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. at the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. i hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours." the older lady, who some random first year whispers to be professor mcgonagall, disappears once she's conveyed what she needs to, leaving the young children to discuss nervously amongst themselves.

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