year four - the best guarded secrets

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"kannika, i don't know how to tell you this, but you're just simply wrong." jinah sighs exasperatedly, putting her hands on her hips as she turns to her indignant best friend. kannika grasps her by the shoulders, shaking her violently. 

"jinah, you have to believe me! i know what i saw!" kannika exclaims, clearly terrified. jinah watches her for a moment and realizing how serious she was being, guides her to the nearest desk in the library, ignoring the indignant looks of the first year ravenclaw she had kicked out of his seat.

"calm down love, no one's pointing any fingers at you. now come, explain things in a way that i can understand more clearly," jinah says soothingly, glaring at the ravenclaw who tries to come back to make a defiant stand for his spot, only for him to wither and slink back to where he had retreated to.

kannika trembles as she recollects what had happened the previous night, horrors flashing through her mind. she takes a couple of deep breaths, focusing on the warmth of jinah in front of her who was looking at her worriedly, even if she was trying her best to conceal it. it didn't work, of course - kannika could read jinah like a book and she knew better than anyone that if jinah looked this concerned, then kannika must look like a real mess at present.

"i was standing outside after hours because professor slughorn had sent me to professor sprout to gather some materials for the potion we're making next week. you know how much professor slughorn loves me - the whole slug club thing and whatnot - so i couldn't bear to let him down, even though i was practically jumping out of my skin because i was so scared."

"i hadn't really thought too much of cutting through the whomping willow's meadow at first. in the daylight, i always go from divination to herbology through that route so i must have just followed that pathway through instinct when i started from the training grounds to get to the greenhouse."

jinah raises her eyebrows at that, finding no reason for kannika, who wasn't even on the team, to be anywhere near the training grounds, especially so late at night. but kannika doesn't seem to notice her blunder, and she continues telling her story.

"at first, i thought it was just mrs. norris having another trip about the castle when i heard the scratching noises. and then they got louder and louder, accompanied by a howl and a scuffle. i knew i shouldn't have gotten any closer! i knew it! i knew it!"

kannika pauses, looking around with a crazed look in her eyes before pulling jinah closer.

"he almost bit me - those yellow, killer eyes fixed on me and i knew that that was it. that i was going to die in those claws. jinah, i almost died last night! if it weren't for the husky leaping on top of the werewolf, i don't think i could be sitting here talking to you. the husky pinned him to the ground and the fox nudged me until i moved and i ran so fast i didn't even register the fact that the sun was starting to rise. and then i heard the scratching again - only this time, i realized that the scratching wasn't mrs. norris."

tears spring into kannika's eyes and jinah has never been more worried in her entire life.

"the scratching was the sounds of claws digging into flesh and talons digging into dirt, trying to blind the creature and prevent any further damage. i should've left the moment the fox told me to but of course, i had to turn around like the idiot i was. dawn was breaking - i had been out since midnight because you know, the firebreath flower can only be harvested at a quarter past four in the morning - and when i turned, that was when i saw."

"saw what?" jinah breathed, a cold sense of dread settling on her neck.

kannika looks at her strangely, as if she thought that jinah should've have figured it out by now.

"when the sunlight finally hit the werewolf, i saw..." kannika's voice faltered.

"kannika, what did you see?" jinah says, her voice low and dangerous. kannika shakes her head, as if she physically couldn't get the words out. 

"i saw the werewolf turn into donghyuck."

a/n: dun dun dunnn 

the amor files: lumos || jaemin naWhere stories live. Discover now