year four - tickle the pear

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"renjun, for being one of the most intelligent people i know, you sure are an idiot." the words come out swift, but leave no dents on renjun's heart, although he does wince when kannika nearly strangles him, her arm dangling dangerously around his neck.

"you're really going to poof the one kid here who actually knows who abba is?" renjun says and with a moment of deliberation, kannika finally lets him go, narrowing her eyes at him. jinah shakes her head, unable to keep the smile off of her face even though she wants to stay mad at her brother and his friends.

"you guys have some nerve, keeping all of this from us. who exactly were we going to tell? and besides, you wouldn't have to go into the shrieking shack every full moon if we were on board, you know that, right?" jinah says, whirling so that she was facing donghyuck, her eyes glinting dangerously in the light. renjun pauses for a moment, looking at her strangely.

"how do you know about the shrieking shack?" jinah rolls her eyes, cocking an eyebrow.

"please, renjun. you were stumbling out of the whomping willow and conveniently, that passageway leads directly to the shrieking shack, as jeno so kindly revealed when he was drunk off of an entire gallon of butterbeer on our last trip to hogsmeade," jinah says, and all three of the other marauders turn to jeno with daggers for eyes, to which jeno raises his hands in surrender and offers a sheepish grin.

"fine, forget that. what do you mean by you could've found a solution to my...problem?" donghyuck says, his voice dropping in pitch when a particularly nosy hufflepuff walks past their group for the fourth time, although he's not quite sure if its because she wants to hear the gossip or because she has a crush on one of the marauders. frankly, either way, he was freaked out.

renjun sighs, looking around the hufflepuff common room.

"maybe this isn't the best place to have this conversation," he muses and the six of them sit in silence for a moment before kannika brightens up, snapping her fingers. 

"i've got a place! trust me, we don't have to travel far."

"i can't believe you revealed our secret hiding spot," jinah groans, taking a bite into a chocolate chip cookie

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"i can't believe you revealed our secret hiding spot," jinah groans, taking a bite into a chocolate chip cookie. kannika rolls her eyes, swallowing her mouthful of cookie before speaking.

"don't be selfish, jin. we'll just find another place for our midnight conversations. trust me, i love my house, but sometimes, hufflepuffs can be way too convenient with eavesdropping," kannika says, accepting the glass of milk that jinah hands her. jinah watches as jeno writes something on a wrinkled piece of paper before he slips it into his pocket once more, but says nothing, content to watch how this would play out. jaemin cocks his head as he watches the siblings, but when he meets jinah's eyes, he just shakes his head. perhaps they both had something to observe here.

"i can't believe we never found this place though," donghyuck says, perched on one of the counters in the huge kitchen. 

"that's because we were never idiotic enough to tickle a pear. who made that the entryway to the kitchens, anyway?" renjun says, turning to kannika. 

the amor files: lumos || jaemin naWhere stories live. Discover now