Keyton: No one

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I never meant for any of this to happen. It's just that she's so beautiful and amazing, flaws in all. I remember the day we first met. It was at college orientation. I was surrounded by a group of people talking when I spotted her off to the side by herself. She had a camera taking pictures smiling as she did. I knew right when she looked up from her camera and our eyes met that I was already falling for her. I had excused myself from the group and went over to her. She didn't say anything to me though. She just basically ignored my presence but I knew she knew I was there because she kept looking at me out the corners of her eyes.

I cleared my throat, "Is that your major?", I had asked to get the conversation going between us. She nodded before taking a picture of me completely catching me off guard. She smiled at her camera before letting it hang loosely around her neck. "Is this how you start a conversation with everybody?", she had asked. I could not help but to smile. I shook my head, "No, because the conversation usually just happens without me having to start it. This is unusual for me, being practically ignored when i'm trying to meet someone new", I had responded. She smiled up at me being no taller than 5'6" to my 6'1" frame. "Well new person, new experiences", she had said. I chuckled, "I'm Keyton, new person", I had said holding my hand out for her to shake. She shook it, "Octavia", she had responded before letting go.

I had felt a loss of warmth when she took her hand back. We had ended up partnering up when our tour guides finally showed their ass up. We became friends and as time progressed, so did my love for her. I had started calling her darling 2 weeks into our friendship. I remember she once asked me, "Why do you call me darling?" I had hugged her soft body to my own hard one. "Because you are my darling. You're so special to me so I gave you a special name that I will never call anyone else. It's a bit southern but that's what you are to me, darling", I had responded ghosting my fingers over her back. She had arched her body more into mine hugging me around the stomach tighter.

I stared down into her eyes, our faces getting closer to each other. I won't say it was sparks when she kissed me but it knocked the breath right out of me. Her full lips felt so good against my own and I wanted more. I put one of my hands on her neck deepening the kiss while my other was flat against her back pulling her further into me. In that moment, I knew I was in love. We never talked about the kiss or went further than that. We were closer though. After college we had moved in together. Everything was perfect between us. Then I met my fiancee, Natalie while we were at a bar celebrating Octavia landing a big photography job. I didn't mean to ignore Octavia but it just kinda happened. When I had went looking for her after exchanging numbers with Natalie I could not find her.

I had tried calling her but her phone kept going to voicemail. I was about to text her when I had received one from her.

'I took a cab home'

That was it. When I had gotten home she was laying on the couch watching our movie. She didn't acknowledge my presence, not even when I sat down next to her putting her legs across my lap. We watched the movie in silence before she got up and went to her room leaving me alone on the couch. Over the next month I had went on dates with Natalie and Octavia started drifting away from me. One day I had come home from work and she wasn't in the kitchen making us dinner like she usually did. I had checked everywhere in the apartment but her room because I knew that something was wrong and didn't want my deepest fear to come true. When I finally went in her room I felt my heart start crumbling. Her room was bare. I went in the closet and checked her drawers. Empty, just like I was left sitting alone in her room on her bed. My worst nightmare came true. My darling had left me with no warning or even an explanation. She was just gone like a shadow in the dark.

I had cried, screamed, and torn her room apart. I was so fucking wounded by her leaving me. Then after mourning the loss of her for 3 months I took a vacation for a few days. On that vacation we crossed paths again. She was with some people at a restaurant smiling and laughing. She had lost weight and she didn't have that glow that she used to but she has never looked so beautiful to me than she did when I saw her again.

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