Keyton: Certain Things

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«This is unedited & will be edited later, as usual in my case. Anyway, hope you enjoy this.»

It's crazy. I went from thinking I would never see her again to holding her in my arms. She is mine. She has finally come back to me. We have found each other again. I have found the rest of my heart. Not only did I find her but our children as well. This all seems so surreal.

She's sleeping peacefully on my chest right now. Her brown hair lightened by the sunlight streaming into the room through the windows. She snuggled closer actually laying on top of me and I couldn't stop the smile from gracing my face. "Stop staring at me, bub", she mumbled. I kissed the top of her head. "Why can't I stared at you, darling?", I asked. She yawned, her breath tickling my chest before answering, "Because it's weird. I can just feel you staring at me". I chuckled, "Well there's a lot for me to look at babe. Your body is thicker and you're more flexible too. Your body is my wonderland, darling", I husked hands caressing her back and side.

She shivered before pecking me on the lips but I was not having that mediocre shit. I wanted a real kiss and that is what I got. I grabbed the back of her neck holding her in place as I turned her innocent pecked into a passionate kiss. I pecked her lips before letting her go when I heard a little thud outside her room door. She rolled off of me taking the sheet with her and got out of bed. She picked my shirt up off the floor and slipped it on before walking over towards her dresser grabbing my pants then tossed them to me. I got out of bed quickly slipping on my pants while she opened the door to our 3 beautiful babies that were practically leaning against each other for support.

I chuckled walking over to the door picking up our baby girls while my darling picked up our baby boy. I followed her down the stairs to the kitchen where we sat the twins in their high chairs before she started on breakfast for everyone. I held Amelia on my lap so she could reach the table without falling off the chair. Something occurred to me while watching our now fully awake children talking. Do the twins know who I am to them? What did she tell them about me, if she told them anything at all? Did they even ask about me?

"Thank God you're not Superman 'cause you'd of burned a hole in the twins by now", my darling commented from where she was at the stove bring me out of my thoughts. I glanced over my shoulder to look at her. She was glowing and I could almost see her ass sticking out from the bottom of my shirt that she was wearing. I shook my head clearing away my thoughts in the process. "Do they know?", I asked. I heard her cuss under her breath before she cleared her throat. "Who, know what?", she responded nonchalantly.

I raised a brow because who the hell does she thinks she's fooling? "Kian and Kianni, do they know who I am to them Octavia?", I asked, my voice not leaving any room for her to bullshit me. She sighed, "Ki (Key), Anni (Annie) who is Keyton James Jamison to you?", she asked the twins turning around to face everyone sitting at the breakfast table. "Daddy!", the twins shouted in unison. Amelia looked up at me with big eyes then back at her younger brother and sister. "Dats daddy's name, rife (right) daddy?", Amelia exclaimed. I looked at my beautiful twins nodding, "Right baby", I responded.

"You un (and) daddy huv (have) da sam (same) name?", Kian asked me. I smiled softly at my baby boy, "Yeah, baby boy we do", I responded. "Why?", Kianni asked looking at me curiously with her big blue eyes that she inherited from me. Amelia's were blue as well while Kian's were brown like his mother's. "Because I am your daddy baby girl", I answered honestly. Their eyes started to water and my heart started breaking. "Yuh (you're) owuh (our) daddy?", Kianni hiccuped. "Awe my poor babies. Don't cry, please? You're breaking daddy's heart. Yes, i'm your daddy, now please don't cry, for daddy?", I cooed standing up and sitting Amelia in my chair before going to the twins picking them up.

They clung to me bawling up my shirt in their little fists. "Shh, shh. It's ok babies. Daddy's here and I got you. I don't like seeing any of my babies cry", I cooed gently rocking them. "Daddy, stay?", one of them hiccuped but I couldn't tell which one. That broke my heart. "I'll never leave you guys. I will always stay babies. Now please stop crying before you make mama and your big sister cry too", I responded and kissed their heads. They nodded burrowing their heads more into my neck on either sides.

My darling had Amelia in her arms comforting her letting me and the twins have our moment undisturbed. I kissed their heads one more time before prying them off of me and sitting them back down in their high chairs. "Big suda (sister)?", Amelia asked from my darling's arms. "Yeah, you're a big sister", I responded smiling at her. She squealed making me chuckle. Her next question though made me instantly stop. "Darling, mama?", she asked looking between us.

My darling kissed her forehead hugging her tighter to her body. "Only if you want me to baby", she said. Amelia smiled hugging her tight around the neck. I smiled at the sight. They accepted each other and this was what I had envisioned after the whole Natalie thing was over. But of course that was not what actually happened because my darling had took off before everything went down.

"Daddy, we live here now?", Amelia called out to me. I froze. I was not the slightest bit prepared for a question like that. I cleared my throat and gathered my thoughts but before I could respond my darling did. "Ok, sweetie. So, mama and daddy need time before we all live together. We just met each other again after 3 years baby and we cannot just rush into anything so fast", she tried explaining. I did not agree with that, at all and I voiced it. "Not yet princess, but we will soon. We have to find a house for all of us to be happy in first then we all will live together. Until then we will come see mama and your siblings and them us. Ok, baby?", I explained.

She nodded, "Ok", she agreed making grabby hands towards me. My darling silently handed her to me before going over and making our plates. She put the kids food on the table first then ours before pouring up us 2 glasses of Orange Juice and the kids Apple juice in their sippy cups before finally taking her seat across from me. The twins were eating their eggs on their own while I fed Amelia because she is a messy eater. The entire time my darling barely spoke so when everyone was done eating we let the kids run off to go play while we cleaned up. I was tired of the silence and tension between us so I spoke on it. "Darling, what's wrong?", I asked.
She continued wiping down the stove ignoring me. "Darling?", I called. She ignored me. "Octavia?", I tried and again she ignored me. Having had enough I walked up behind her caging her in between me and the stove. "What's wrong darling and i'm not gonna ask you again?", I said. "Octavia", I warned. She sighed pressing back against me trying to move me but it was just a waste of her efforts.

I grabbed her by the shoulders dragging her around towards the counter behind me before pushing and holding her down on the counter where she was chest to counter and her butt was against my front as I leaned forward. "Get. Off. Of. Me. Keyton", she said through clenched teeth. I chuckled, "No, darling. I wanna know what happened and until you tell me I will keep you like this", I responded. I kissed her neck and I felt her shiver further encouraging me to continue. I smirked kissing from her shoulder up to her ear. "Babe, I just wanna know what's bothering my darling. That's all I want and i'll let you go", I whispered in her ear while rolling my hips against her. She moaned under her breath and shit, I got hard.

"Why did you tell Amelia what you told her?", she asked breathlessly. I couldn't hide the smirk in my voice even if I tried. "Because it's true. You left before I could make us official but darling you are never getting away from me again, you or our babies. We are going to live together so that we can be the family we were supposed to be and we are getting married. I will not let you get away from me ever again Octavia", I responded before releasing her shoulders but did not move away from her.

She stood up straight and turned around to face me. She stared up at me searching my eyes for what? I do not know but she must have found it. She stepped closer to me before taking my hands into hers intertwining our fingers. "Ok", she whispered before reaching our intertwined hands up and around my neck. She pulled my head down and kissed me. She was telling me everything with this kiss and I wholeheartedly accepted it all. She is mine and I am her's.

Edited: 6/19/2015

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