Keyton: See You Again Pt. 1

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It's been 3 years. 3 years since my life's changed. She had broken her promise. My darling had left me. The wound is still fresh on my heart. I have a daughter now. She's the center of my world now.

Her name is Amelia Mae Jamison and she has brought me so much joy. I can't picture my life without my little girl in it. "Daddy, pwlay?", Amelia screeched in my arms, squirming around. I smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Yeah, baby. You can go play", I responded sitting her down on her little 2 1/2 years old feet. "Make sure you stay where daddy can see you and be careful", I told her before allowing her to walk over to the sandbox to play.

We're at the park having stopped here on our way home from my mama's house. I sat on a bench near by and watched my daughter play. She was giggling and babbling away while playing in the sand with another little girl and boy that looked her age. They looked like they were having fun. My mind started drifting away to Octavia. I know it's been 3 years but I can't help but wonder where she had gone? Is she ok? Did she find someone else? Is she happy?

I had to be thinking about her pretty hard because I started hallucinating. I saw her again. She looks even more beautiful than I remember her looking 3 years ago. She had this glow about her that I have never seen before. She was wearing a earthy shade of green jumpsuit that showed off her fuller body beautifully with a pair of red Chuck Taylor's. Her hair was longer, stopping midway of her back in loose curls. My darling was walking over to the sandbox where Amelia and the 2 other children were playing. When she got there she squatted down with her back to me.

I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes before closing them taking deep breaths to calm my racing heart. I didn't want to get my hopes up again just to be let down again. I took one last deep breath before slowly opening my eyes. She was still there. My darling was there and she was playing with my daughter, a site I have dreamed of happening for years. I stood up and slowly approached the 4 not wanting to ruin their fun and draw attention to myself just yet but my precious baby girl wasn't having any of that. "Daddy, pwlay!", she screeched making the other 3 look up at me walking towards them, a few feet away from them.

Our eyes met and my heart accelerated. She was still the only woman that could do this to me. The only woman to ever do this to me. But she is not the same woman I fell in love with. It doesn't take a behavior analyst to know this. Just the look in her eyes tells me so. Her eyes look so cold and distant like she's in a far away place that she loathes. "Darling", I breathed.

She just stared at me before turning her attention to the 2 children Amelia was playing with. "Ok babies, time to go. Tell Amelia bye, bye", she said ignoring me. It almost felt like we were in college again except this time there were no side glances. "No, mama! We wuh pwayind", the little boy said pouting. Mama? She has kids? Is she married or seeing anyone? "I know baby but we need to go", she told her son. "No! We lurv Ami. We stay! We no go bye, bye!", the little girl started to fuss, her eyes starting to water. The little boy and girl were both beautiful children and now looking at them up close beside my daughter, they all resemble each other.

My darling sighed looking frustrated. "Babies i'm sure you can play with Amelia again another day but we have to go", she tried to bargain but they were not having it. "No, we say ad pway nuh", the little boy said defiantly crossing his arms across his little chest. Oh my goodness it was so cute. Octavia made a noise before trying to get at least the little girl to agree. "Kianni, i'll buy you both ice cream on the way home if you help me get Kian on board", she tried bribing. I couldn't help but chuckle when Kianni, I think, mimicked her brother's actions. Obviously the 2 were stubborn just like... me?

I looked them over, my darling's children from head to toe and compared their looks to that of Amelia's and my own then my darling's. My eyes narrowed and my face hardened the more my brain analyzed everything. "Octavia, we need to talk", I said calmly. She ignored me and kept trying to coerce her children. "Amelia, baby why don't you take your new friends over to the slides to play for daddy while I talk to their mama?", I suggested while underlying ordering her to. My baby being the smart little thing she is picked up on it. "Ok daddy, we go pwlay", she said getting up dusting her hands off before taking the other 2's hands and taking by them over to the slides.

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