Octavia: Night Changes

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(Picture is of her dress & by the way, Keyton is dressed like Zayn in the video)

I know I seemed easy for Keyton and maybe I am but you don't understand. When I looked into his eyes I had saw the answers to my questions and more. Does he mean it? Does he still love me? Has he ever stopped loving me? Does he want me? Does he want us? Our family? It was all there in his eyes and I could not deny him when he was laying it all there like he was. That was a few months ago and now we are taking things slow to ease one another into our lives and our children's.

My bub showed up and showed out. He has been an amazing father to our children and it just makes me love him even more every time I witness him spending time with them. Me and Amelia have gotten close and I consider her my little girl too. She is a sweetheart but she can get sassy. I blame that on her daddy who denied it, still denies it. Tonight we have a date, just the two of us while the kids go over to their grandma's house.

He still hasn't fully forgiven his mama for not telling him about where I was and the twins. Yes, I told his mama instead of him because I would never deny her the right to see her grandbabies even if their daddy had no idea they even existed. I had went through everything on my own during my pregnancy which was partially my fault but what is done, is done. That is all in the past and the twins are now 2 and some change years old. I remember the day I had them like it was yesterday. I was over at mama's (his mother's) house having brunch with her like I usually did on Fridays. I had excused myself to go to the bathroom and I was waddling down the hallway when my water broke halfway there.

His mother was there with me in the room when I gave birth to Kian and Kianni and even cut their cords. She made a scrap book for Keyton that she was putting the final touches on when we got to her house. I had worn my hair down in its natural curls with a pair of 3 carrots diamond studs in my ears with a pair of red heels. My bub had on a blacked out suit with matching dress shoes on his feet. His hair was straight and slicked back with his bangs swooped to the left. "Octavia, you look beautiful sweetie. Keyton, well at least you tried", his mama had said when she opened the door letting us in. I chuckled while carrying in Amelia who was clinging to me.

Kian and Kianni decided that they wanted to walk while holding their daddy's hand so the three came in after us with the twins in lead. "Haha, ma you're so funny and darling, how dare you laugh?", he said sarcastically letting the twins pull him along behind them. I smiled innocently, "It was funny, bub", I responded with a shrug. His mother smirked, "See, I am funny. Anyway, where's the happy couple off to tonight?", she commented. He smiled, "Dinner and a few surprises", he said, smile turning into a smirk. She returned it looking like she knew something that I didn't, which by the smirks being passed between the two, I believe she does.

I do not like surprises, good or bad. Everyone that knows me knows that about me. I gave them a look that the both of them ignored before trying to put Amelia down but she would not let go when I tried to put her down. "Meli, baby you have to let mama go so me and daddy won't be late", I said giving her a gentle squeeze before trying to gently pry her off me. She just clung to me even tighter and buried her head into the crook of my neck with a whine. Something was obviously bothering her if her whining was anything to go by.

"Sweetie, tell mama what's wrong. I can't do anything to make it better if you don't tell me what's upsetting you baby", I cooed. I heard her sniffle and I felt something wet on my neck. She's crying. "Meli, baby talk to mama. Please, baby?", I cooed gently bouncing her and rubbing her back to soothe her. She mumbled something into my neck that I couldn't understand so I gently pulled her away from me some and tilted her head up so we were looking into each other's eyes. The look in her eyes saddened me.

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