Octavia: See You Again Pt. 2

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«A/N. Ok so any mistakes I will fix later and I hope that you like this. Also shutout and a big thank you to @hazelbaby99 for the comment. I almost gave up on this story thinking it wasn't any good but just you letting me know that you love it made me smile so thanks! Deuces!✌»

It has been 3 years since I have seen Keyton. He looks as good as ever but so much wiser. He has a little girl named Amelia and she is already a heartbreaker. She is just as perfect as my twins, Kian & Kianni, who I named after their father. Their father, the man that stole my heart all those years ago, Keyton. I know he wants answers but I am still reeling from just seeing him. He loves me. I can not believe that after all this time, that he still loves me. We are at Baskin Robin's getting ice cream and I am so nervous.

If my bub is still the same then I know that as soon as we give the kids their ice cream he is going to pull me aside demanding answers. I readied myself but how can you ever be ready for something so crucial like this? I'm about to start sharing the last 3 years of my life with him. The last 3 years I have spent away from him. He is mad at me, this is a given. But the given goes both ways in our situation.

Our server was a teenage girl maybe 19 at most and she was eyeing Keyton like the last supper. "Welcome to Baskin Robin's. What can I help you with today?", she said biting her bottom lip. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah. Kids what flavor do you want?", I said rather rudely ignoring bub's confused look. Sometimes he can be really oblivious and I resent that with a passion yet, admire it all the same. "Choclet (chocolate)", Kian said. "Cookie en cweam (cookie and cream)", Kianni said. "Min chwocolit chwip (Mint chocolate chip)", Amelia responded smiling up at me.

I smiled down at her before looking up to my bub. I smiled innocently at him widening my eyes a little. "And what do you want daddy?", I asked. He smirked giving me the red flag that he was about to say something dirty. "I would say 2 scoops of you but they don't sell that. So darling i'd like my usual", he responded. Amelia giggled suddenly pulling me out of the little staring contest I was having with her daddy. "Daddy, she nuht (not) ice cweam (cream)", she giggled shaking her head. Baby please stay as innocent as you are now when you grow up.

I nodded before turning to our server. "Ok, we'll have 2 cookie and cream, 1 chocolate, 2 mint chocolate chip, and a dozen cupcakes", I ordered ignoring the look she was giving me. "Is that all? Would you like something else sir?", she asked looking at my bub. "No thank you. Darling, go sit the kids down while I pay", he said. I nodded before doing what he said. "I dun like hu", Amelia said suddenly, pouting up at me as I picked her up sitting her down on the chair then pushing her up to the table. "Me neither baby but i'll be right back with daddy and our treats, ok?", I said and kissed her forehead.

She nodded smiling and I returned it before walking back over to the counter. I stood next to Keyton watching the server as she filled our orders. She was bending over more to show more of her chest through her work polo and arching her back sticking out her butt more trying to be sexy. I wanted to scream at her obvious attempts at Keyton but I calmed down some when said man wrapped his arms around my midsection pulling me up against him and kissed the back of my neck. "You know I don't like jealousy, but baby you make it look so damn good", he whispered in my ear before licking up the side of my neck. I shivered fighting the moan that tried to force it's way out of my throat. "Hmm, you taste good darling", he whispered in my ear, breath tickling my neck, before stepping away from me to get the cups of ice cream the server was handing us, well him.

He grabbed the ice cream while I grabbed the cake off the counter. I let him go ahead of me before I turned my attention to the server who was watching him walk away. I narrowed my eyes at her and cleared my throat to get her attention. "Can I help you?", she asked looking annoyed. Well that makes two of us bitch. "No, but I can help you keep your job and avoid medical expenses", I responded through clenched teeth. She smirked, Oh, cute. Let me guess, you're friend zoned but want more but why would he want someone like you with kids with probably 3 different baby daddies when he can have me?", she responded. I smiled, "That's cute coming from a thot working at Baskin Robin's. What'd you do suck your way to the front counter? Let me humor you because this is the most attention you'll be getting. Those kids with 3 different daddies you just spoke of all have the same got damn daddy who your thot ass has been trying to get to notice you. 1, bitch. Now do your job before you find yourself unemployed with a sexual harassment case on your file. Have a nice day", I said before going back to the table where the kids and my bub were sitting eating their ice cream.

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