Chapter 1

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[3rd person pov (the whole story'll be written this way. I'll occasionally use "you" for talking about Y/N.)]

Y/N was a H/C haired girl, her hair being curly and always a bit messy, with E/C eyes and small lips. She was quite tall and wore a nice white top with a F/C skirt. She always wore her bag, in which she had who knows what all. She was a bright young girl, she was just 15. She always did work around the house. Her father, Alexander, was a moody man who got way too much work to do, so she cooked and cleaned and to that, she learned how to sew. Her abilities were a bit too perfect, and she's been known throughout the town as a great cook and seamstress.

Right now, she was heading to the town market to buy some more threads and food. She swapped plesentries with people around. She heard a bunch of people greeting her and she greeted them back.

„How's your father, Y/N?” One of the sellers, currently selling her cheese, asked.

„Working.” You swiftly replied and the seller nodded his head.

„If he ever does anything else I'll be surprised,” by that remark, Y/N laughed and agreed. „Well, if he ever does. Tell him to stop by.”

„I will.” You said and walked away.

You bought flour, eggs, cheese, milk, some salt. I don't know, cooking things. You've been going over the things you need in your head and checking you have them all, not paying attention, when you suddenly bumped into something, all you've bought falling out of your hands and onto the floor as you did too.

„Sorry. That was my fault for not paying attention.” You say as you see the person you bumped into hasn't left with a mean remark.

„It's okay. Come on, I'll help you,” the person says as you look up, „you're Y/N, right?”

The boy standing in front of you was none other than Camilo Madrigal. You didn't have time to observe him, though.

„No, no thank you,” you denied the boys help, also ignoring his question, without bating an eye. You began quickly putting your things back in a shopping bag. As you did, you wanted to get up, but since everything was so quick, you kinda faltered a bit. You managed to get up in the end though. You finally looked up at the boy, who was the same height as you, and he was snickering a bit.

„Yes, my name is Y/N.” You state simply and start walking away. The boy follows you.

„Hey! I'm Camilo.” The boy introduces himself.

„Yeah. You're a Madrigal, right?”

„Yeah!” And just as he says that, he suddenly shifts and turns „And you're a L/N.”

„Yeah... Turn back.” You say as he does so. That shapeshifting made you a bit uncomfortable. „Aren't you guys supposed to be helping around the town? I don't need any help right now.”

„That's true, that's true. And I should be going,” he looks like he's thinking about something, „so uhh...yeah, bye.”

„Bye?” You say as he goes the other direction. „That was odd.” you think to yourself, continuing walking around town.

„Y/N!!” A familiar voice calls to you and you look to your right, just to see Mirabel running up to you.

„Hey, Mira!” Your nothing mood suddenly shifts to joyful as you greet your friend. Mirabel always appreciated your knitting skills and you sometimes knit together. She also loves your cooking.

„Y/N, Y/N!! Guess what!” Mirabel excitedly bounces up and down where she's standing. You ask what and she excitedly goes: „I got you a gift!”

„On what occasion?” It wasn't your birthday. It wasn't any important day, from what you know.

„Just cuz!” Mirabel reaches into her bag and pulls out a wrapped object. You smile and take it, opening it you reveal it to be a bracelet. You turn it around, inspecting it. It's blue, embroidered with your favourite color. (If your favourite color IS blue then it's a dark/light blue depending on which you prefer.)

„It's a friendship bracelet!” Mirabel says festively and makes jazz hands. You put in on your hand and blush a little.

„Thanks.” You thank her and awkwardly hug her. Mirabel seems surprised by this, as you don't like touching at all, but she hugs back.

„I got a matching one!” She shows off her own, which basically looks the same.

„That's really cool!” You say and smile as Mirabel warmly smiles back. Then, her eyes widen.

„Gosh! I almost forgot...I wanted to invite you- erm- do you wanna go over for dinner and or a sleepover?”

„Sure! Just gotta ask dad. I'm pretty sure he'll let me but you know,” you say, „so I should go. See you at six?”

„Yeah! I'll wait in front of Casita.” Mirabel informs as you nod and you both go your separate ways.

•Embarrassing• Mirabel Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now