Chapter 7

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„Heyyy Dolores, it's me.”

Mirabel knocked on Dolores' door and after she heard a small squeek, she opened the door and came in.

The room was a little closed off space, walls light orange with white soundwave patterns, with a huge, obviously comfortable bed. There was a table where Dolores had all her makeup and there was a wide window. Dolores was leaning on the window and turned around since Mirabel came in.

„You teenagers are so complicated,” Dolores said in a monotone, quiet voice while making sassy hand gestures and Mirabel gave her a quick fake angry glance, „now I suppose you want me to tell you about Y/N and the whole crush thing.” Mirabel softly smiled, blushed and nodded.

„I just have to know. And you're the one who knows everything about everyone, so...” Mirabel came up to the window and looked Dolores in the eyes, even though Dolores was a lot taller. Dolores kept a stern look and sharped her ears, listening to only one direction. Mirabel looked at her with a hopeful smile.

„Right now she's just crying.” Dolores states and Mirabel feels terrible again.

„Oh no, I knew I was doing something wrong-” Mirabel thinks.

„Alright, but- What about the crush?!” Mirabel desperately yelled, Dolores flinching at the loud noise. Mirabel quickly apologised as Dolores looked at her, angrily.

„Listen. That girl has a crush. But it's not anyone you saw in town today, nor is it anyone you think it is.” Dolores spoke in somewhat riddles because she knew spilling the secret would completely ruin Y/Ns perception of the Madrigal family.

„What? But- That doesn't tell me anything! You're just saying she doesn't have a crush! If it's not anyone I think or anyone from town, it has to be...” Mirabels eyes widened and Dolores squeeks.

„But...That's...No, she can't like me.” Mirabel says after a pause and Dolores lays her hand on Mirabel's shoulder.

„Mirabel, stop thinking whether it's possible or not and start thinking what would it mean for you. Do you want Y/N to have a crush on you?” Mirabel looked outside the window longingly and kept quiet. She looked at around the area where Y/N lived. Her mind started racing again, with all the possibilities this could bring. What if she gets upset that she knows? What if...What if it means she can...Confess? Would they get together?

„I...I do want that.” Mirabel finally says and Dolores smiles.

„Then go think about it. And if you're ready to tell her, me and Isabela will be here to help you.” Dolores began to push Mirabel out the door. Mirabel eventually walked to the door herself and also let herself out.

„Thanks, Dolores.” Mirabel smiles again and Dolores mumbles in response. Mirabel gets to the nursery and closes the door.

Suddenly, Isabela rans up to Dolores and excitedly sticks out her hand. Dolores slowly high-fives it and they smile at each other, Isabela obviously more pumped and excited than Dolores - judging by the fact Isabela was smiling from ear to ear and slightly jumping up and down while Dolores was simply standing there with neutral body language and face. They both retrieved to their rooms after that - Isabela leaped, Dolores just walked back in - and they both happily wondered what the younger sapphics are going to do now.

It was about a week later, and you haven't talked to Mirabel since you left Casita. did meet her in town, but you always just swapped his and hellos and went your seperate ways. You both needed to think everything through and you knew it.

You've also caught a few stares from Isabela. Mostly judgy. Sometimes just confused. She seemed to be bugged about something you did, probably the fact you haven't been interacting with Mirabel so much. You've decided to overthink all that after you finish overthinking everything with Mirabel, though.

„Hm. A week, a week. We haven't not talked for that long, ever. I should iniciate conversation.” You think to yourself. All that doubting was stupid. If she doesn't like you, she doesn't. If she does, well...Should you try to pursue her? You can't exactly make children, so you're not sure if the family would accept you, but apart that...Well, apart that, you're both girls. And you don't know if the Madrigals are okay with that.

Isabela seems fruity and the family either doesn't notice or doesn't mind; it could be safe. But all that is for later. Now you have to actually find out if Mirabel likes you.

You see her talk to some kids and you smile to yourself. You start nibbling with the bracelet she gave you. It started being a habit of yours. You notice she's wearing hers and blush. You begin to approach her.

„Hey Mirabel.”

„Hey!” She waves you and you wave back.

Awkward silence.

And it always went like this. Eventually, one left. But you decided to swallow all the nerves in your system and talk this time.

„Soo...Umm...The weather's been...Nice.” The kids, at this point, all left since Mirabel's gone quiet. She searched for the right thing to say.

„Yeah, Tia's been feeling better since she can get her emotions out there now. It's all just clear skies...” You both sorta laugh and blush a bright red.

„Um- so I've been thinking and, we haven't talked much since the sleepover...” Fine, get to the point, Y/N. She'll get it.

Mirabel says a "yeah" in agreement and you both stare at each other with unreadable faces.

„And uh, about the crush,” Mirabel looks at you, seemingly horrified, „I don't...actually...have one. Sorry I just kind of...lied so I have something to cover me with the whole Camilo thing.” Mirabel nodded and started feeling conflicted.

She wanted to say it. You wanted to say it. “I have a crush on you.” It seemed so easy yet so super hard to say. So you both continued staring. At this point, Isabela and Dolores were kind of giving up on you.

„Ugh, what plant do I have to grow for the two to get somewhere?!” Isabela grunted and Dolores nodded. Why can't you just say-

„And I like you.”

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