Chapter 5

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You sat beside Mirabel once again. It was also beside Pepa. You waved her hi and she eyed you suspiciously, making a cloud, sitting down and it only disappeared once Felix sat down too. You decide to let it go and look back at Mirabel, who smiled at you and you smiled back.

Abuela approached the table and stood in the front.

„Y/N, I see you're still here, eating. May I ask why you ran off yesterday?”

Aand you felt anxious.

„Um, well...I don't- like Camilo,” you hear thunder right next to you, but you decide to keep looking Abuela's way, „and we only talked like, once. I felt kind of blastered with that whole...thing.”

„Of course. Well, then-” Abuela starts talking about something else and you begin eating. You look across from you and see Isabela softly smiling at you. You blush and wave to her, she gives you a subtle thumbs up and you smile widely. She continues focusing on her food again and so do you, but you feel a bit warmer inside.

„Why are all the Madrigals so damn pretty,” a thought occurs to you, „and why is Mirabel adorable and awesome and all at once?!” You feel a blush on your face and Mirabel pats your shoulder.

„What are you thinking about?” She asks, laughing. You resist the urge to shout „you” and quietly say „nothing”. She rolls her eyes with a teasing smile.

„You sure it's not your c-r-u-s-h?” She spells out and you blush redder, since she literally was the crush.

„Nooo,” you tried to make it sound fakely offended, but it more came out as if obviously trying to change the subject. You stuff an arepa in your mouth so you don't say something stupid and she just smiles.

„Alright. After breakfast, I'm going around town; come with me, you can show me The person.” Was she really just trying to get you with someone else? She must really just take you as a friend, huh.

„Ookaay.” You smile at her teasingly. Maybe you can turn it in a cheesy try at confessing. She let out a quiet squeel and slightly jumped up and down on her seat. She was adorable when she was excited. She grabbed your hand and ran off, although you didn't finish eating - you grab one last arepa and eat it while trying to not fall while Mirabel basically fucking flew.

You got to the edge of the town and Mirabel abruptly stopped while you still tried keeping up. The only reason you didn't fall was that you two were holding hands, and when you got too far away, Mirabel tightened her grip and yanked you to her to stop walking. You fell to her chest, and with the fact you were holding hands, you blushed violently. You noticed she was blushing too. She was probably a bit shocked. You two looked each other in the eyes and held prolonged eye contact, which made you two blush more. Your faces weren't readable, you both fought the urge to smile.

You abruptly broke eye contact and stood up from her chest. You still held hands, so you turn to face her. Mirabel seems like she was afraid you felt uncomfortable, and you didn't feel like signaling anything, so you just let go of her hand, even though you wanted to hold it, to be in her warmth, all the time. You turned around and she quickly followed as you walk in town.

„Was I mean? What if she thinks I hate her now or something?” You think to yourself. You shake you head. „Noo...She...I'll explain myself if she asks.”

„She must hate me now...She likes someone else and I'm out here holding her hand and bugging her with my existence.” Mirabel felt her cheeks getting warmer and her nose sting. „Y/N let go of my hand...She hates me. She hates me.”

You look back at Mirabel and see her on the edge of crying. You read her like a book and you feel terrible. Fuck trying to explain yourself when she asks, this is important. You stop and go up to her. You hold her hands in yours.

„I don't hate you, Mirabel.” You say and her tears completely disappear, she looks at you wide eyed and blinks.

„I don't...think you hate me, whaat?” Mirabel laughs and smiles at you, which you'd think is lying, but you're assured when she squeezes your hands. Yeah, she thinks it. You give her a smile back and she gets calm.

„Now come on, I still want to know who your crush is.” She goes over you, still holding your hands. This time, you let go of just one, and squeeze the other. You follow her as she points to a lot of guys your age. You keep saying no and she starts getting worried.

She's about to ask the question she wanted to ask you the moment you met.

„Y/N do you...not like guys?” She looks at you and you blink a few times. Should you tell her? Would she hate you? She'd judge. She'd say it's stupid. She'd say you can't like girls. She'd say-

„Uhh...well...t-to be honest-” You feel shivers down your spine. „You can't just say that after I denied a few guys, ahah...” Mirabel eyes you suspiciously as you feel cold sweat coming down your forehead. She hums, still suspicious, and goes on, pointing out guys.

„No, I'm pretty sure she doesn't like guys. Some of these were handsome and she didn't bat an eye.” Mirabel thinks to herself. And then she got the perfect idea.

„Heey Y/N, and what about Ari over there?” She points to a girl with long brown hair embroided with fake flowers. She wore a blue and red dress with a white shirt. She was hella pretty, and you both would admit that. You blush as Mirabel teasingly smiles at you.

„Weeell? Is she the one?” You start feeling a bit uncomfortable. Mirabel's trying to get the straight or not answer out of you and...You decide to let it out.

„Look, Mirabel, she's not the one...But...If it eases you...Yeah I...I don't like guys.” You let out. Mirabel smiles and blushes, you blush too as you see she's super happy. You guess you didn't have to lie. There are people who won't dislike you for who you are...And this is the most important person who won't.

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