Chapter 2

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Mirabel was getting ready for the dinner. She wore a cute pin and a shorter, bluer skirt and brushed her hair a little less curly, also adding blue hair clips to her bangs. She looked at the bracelet on her hand and smiled, nibbling at it and blushing a little. She looked at the time and went out of the nursery and headed straight to Camilo's room.

„Camilo, Y/N'll be in here in about five minutes, so do something with yourself.” She yelled out, peeking into his room a little, not bothering to look at what he was doing. She closed the door afterwards and retreated to the nursery.

Camilo was a bit embarrassed to say so, but he's built a little crush on Y/N, mostly from when he's randomly seen her in town or when she was over in Casita hanging with Mirabel. From what he's heard she's awesome. He never got the time to talk to her, so he got Mirabel to arrange this whole dinner thing, but also knowing Mirabel wanted to spend time with Y/N longer than hanging out too, so she'd naturally agree.

He was never a getting fancy guy, so he stayed as he was, maybe just rearranged his hair a little. He put on his ruana and made finger guns at himself to the mirror in his room before sitting down on his bed and thinking about what he's going to do.

Meanwhile, Y/N was getting fancy. She wore a f/c dress with a complimentary colored cardigan and she put colored streaks in her hair. Not too much, just a few. She wore the bracelet Mirabel gave her earlier, looked at it and smiled, nibbling at it and blushing a little.

She left her house and swiftly made her way to La Casa Madrigal. As expected, Mirabel was waiting there. She saw you and waved you over, you run to her and greet her.

„Hey Y/N! You look- really good!!” Mirabel blushes and you blush too. You push a streak of your hair behind your ear.

„Thanks! You look awesome, you know. I like the hair clips.” You compliment and fadely gesture towards Mirabels accessories.

„Thanks! Now come on!” Mirabel lets out her hand and you grab it, so she draggs you to the house. You run around and laugh. You almost trip but manage to not. Suddenly, Mirabel abruptly stops and you, once again, bump into someone.

„Watch it.” Isabela says, trying it to not sound mean, but ultimately failing. You back down and look up. You immediately blush.

„H-hi Isa!! Sorry about that.” You nervously smile and let her pass you, still astonished by her beauty. Mirabel elbows you.

„Come on. Stop being weird." She laughs and you nervously laugh too. You follow Mirabel to the kitchen.

„Mami! This is Y/N.” Mirabel introduced you to Julieta, who simply smiled at your presence.

„Hi, Y/N! I hope you'll enjoy the dinner.” She says, her smile somehow feeling warmer.

„I'm sure I will! Your cooking is wonderful.” You compliment Julieta, about to go closer to see what she's making, but Mirabel draggs you out again. You just hear Julieta softly thanking you. Mirabel draggs you to the dining table and sits down.

„You'll sit next to me!” Mirabel smiles and pats the chair next to her right, signaling you to sit down, as you do.

Later on, others sit down at the table and food is brought. You get a glass of water at your wish, Mirabel gets orange juice. Next to your right sits Isabela, and you can't help but feel a bit mushy inside. Across you sits Camilo, who's eyeing you a little.

„Family. We're sitting here, all of us, but with a new guest. Mirabel's friend.” Abuela starts a speech about family and love or something and you kind of storm off, listening only partly. You fully start listening when your name gets called.

„Y/N, would you like to add something?” Abuela asks you and you look around the table, a bit confused, but quickly registrating the question.

„No, not really, thank you.” You say and Abuela nods. She sits down and the table says salud.

Time for dinner.

•Embarrassing• Mirabel Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now