Universe 34

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You were silently cutting your birthday cake. It was your tenth birthday, but no one seemed to care, not even your own parents. Everything had been fine before. Everyone's attention was on you, and only you. Something you didn't get to have often. However, you knew it wouldn't last, not when they arrived. The 'they' you're referring to is your best friend, MC. It's not like you hated MC, in fact you loved them. You've been friends since you were in diapers, but when your friend is constantly out-shining you, and everyone seems to prefer them over you, you tend to get jealous and angry.

Even though you'd announced it was time for the cake, everyone was caught up watching MC singing karaoke. You were mad, you just wanted one day, one day for yourself! One day where you mattered! One day where you could be the center of attention. You gathered your presents on a red wagon you had. You decided that if they weren't going to pay attention to you cutting the cake, then no one deserved cake. You stabbed it repeatedly, and threw it on the grassy floor of your backyard. They could all stay outside listening to your friend sing and get bitten by mosquitos for all you cared. You went inside and headed straight for your room. You took off your birthday outfit in a fit of rage and ripped it up. You changed into a pair of pajamas and started opening your presents. Most were satisfactory. Toys, pretty clothes, so on, you had begun to calm down when you came across MC's present.

You held it in your tiny hands with an iron grip, if that was even possible, you glared at it. You began to grow angrier and angrier as you thought back to all the moments where MC stole the attention from you. In a fit of rage, you threw the present on the floor and stomped on it. You picked it up and threw it at the wall. You didn't stop till the present was completely mangled. You were breathing heavily. You chucked the present into your cartoon themed garbage can you had in your room. You went to your bedroom door and locked it and headed to sleep.

"I swear, I'll never celebrate my birthday again!" With that you cried yourself to sleep.


You awoke from your slumber to the sound of your alarm going off. You sat up and turned it off. You got up from your bed and headed towards your bathroom to shower and get ready. You had to help MC set up for their birthday party, which was today. After you got out of the shower and got dressed you started doing your hair.

'Geez, it looks like my eyebags have eyebags.' You think to yourself as you get ready in the mirror. College was kicking your ass right now. The struggle of keeping your grades up. You sighed and went to grab MC's present. You grabbed it, along with your car keys and drove over to MC's apartment. Not before stopping to get some Mcdonald's breakfast. After receiving your food and thanking the worker, you got back into your car. You checked your phone before you began driving again. You had a text from MC.


Hey, Y/N, are you almost here?


Yeah. Just stopped to get breakfast for the both of us

Consider this your early birthday present


Aw! You didn't have too!

Hurry up! I want to see my best friend

As soon as possible.



You turned off your phone and started driving. You turned on the radio to listen to whatever was playing. You were excited to see MC, but you weren't excited for the party. You both had separate friend groups now that you were in college, and their friend group didn't like you. No matter how much MC told you otherwise, you knew they hated you. Well, hate may be a strong word, but they certainly weren't fond of you. You were sure that one of the girls had a crush on MC, and they didn't like how close you two were.

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