A Solution? Pt.3

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"Grandma?!" You yelped out in surprise.

"Yes~ Oh look at how you've grown! But you're still as cute as when you were a baby!" Grisella smiled at you before hugging you again. She couldn't help it, she missed you.

"Grandma! You're a witch?" You asked, taking a step back.

"Erm, yes? Surprise?" Grisella grimaced.

You stammered before you were able to collect your thoughts and talk. "Why wasn't I told? Does mom know? Does dad? If mom knew, why didn't she tell me? Why did you stop visiting? What about Uncle Bucky? Does he know? Why did he also–"

Grisella placed a hand over your mouth to shush you.

"My, you're a lot more talkative than you used to be. I like that. All questions will be answered in due time. How about you all come inside." Grisella began to frolic into the cottage.

She moved around very easily. Now that you thought about it, she looked extremely young, like she was still in her early 20's. Her looks didn't match up to your mother. Your mother and grandmother didn't look anything alike. You never questioned it much when you were younger but the differences were right in your face. Maybe that's why your mom didn't tell you. Maybe your grandma wasn't your mother's mom? What if you grandpa already had your mom before he married her?

Grisella had this bright red hair, rivaling that of Ariel's. She had fair skin, with eyes as dark as coffee. She wore that iconic dress that you remembered her wearing in your memories. You were sure it was indestructible and that it would last for centuries to come. It was castleton green. It reached Grisella's ankles, it had long see through sleeves too. She smelled like pine, just like you remembered.

You all walked into the cottage, with you leading the way. Diavolo, along with the others, were very interested in hearing about this. In hearing about your family and how you were connected to a witch even though they couldn't sense any magic going through you. As people say, the plot thickens. You all settled yourselves down and waited for Grisella, who was getting you all some tea and sweets.

"I knew my intuition was right! Something told me to make these!" Grisella exclaimed as she brought out a tray of cupcakes. They were strawberry flavored and had baby blue frosting on top with one of those lindor chocolates, the white kind, on top with decorative wings implanted into the cupcakes. At least, you thought they were just for decoration.

The cupcakes began flying off the tray and into the palms of your hands.

"Wait, so I didn't just have an active imagination?" You asked. You'd seen this happen millions of times but your parents said you were imagining it or that it was just a dream. You felt lied to.

"Afraid not dear. Now, I'm sure you want answers, so go ahead and ask me anything. I think you're old enough to know the truth." Grisella sat across from you.

"Where do I even start?"

"You didn't have any trouble coming up with all those questions earlier." Karasu commented as he took a bite of your cupcake, despite having his own. You elbowed him but allowed him to eat your cupcake.

"So...what's up with the family? Who knows, who doesn't? Why does my mom look nothing like you despite you being her mom? What happened to Uncle Bucky? And where is he?"

"Let's start from the beginning shall we? I figure a visual demonstration will do much better." The room seemed to darken, even though there were no lights. Grisella grabbed a stick that looked like one of those sparklers and lit it with a snap of her fingers. She drew two figures in the air and turned the sparkler off.

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