Sleepover Final Part

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"Have you heard of Mage's diamond?" You asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course I have. So, you touched it didn't you."

You let out a sigh of embarrassment. "Yeah." Your tone practically told Somnia you knew you messed up and you were tired of telling others.

"Right. No need to remind you of what this means. You clearly know. Does Karasu know? I'd hate for you to keep this from my brother." He said in a warning tone, his petals turning a dangerous red.

"Yeah, he knows. First person I told actually. We're both scared. I don't want to die, I don't want to leave him. I care about him too much. I want to stay, but I don't know how to do that. He doesn't want to lose me either, he's been very vocal about that. That's why I try spending as much time with him as possible." Your voice was starting to crack and you could feel the tears threatening to fall.

The colors of Somnia's petals softened in a baby blue. "You poor thing. You seem so good. Why would this ever happen to you?"

"They say bad things happen to good people, but bad people get their karma too. I'm not sure which I belong in but I think it's the latter."

Somnia placed a hand over yours. "I disagree. I think you fit into the former. I know your soul may not be the brightest, but that doesn't make you a bad person. Perfect people don't exist. Everyone's made at least a few mistakes. That being said, what will you do now?"

"I'm not sure. Well, I have an idea. I want to experience a sunset and sunrise with Karasu. At least once. That could be my dying wish for all I care."

"I'm sure we can make that happen. The two of you have become really close in a short amount of time."

"I know. Some people may think that's a red flag, and in some cases it is, but I don't think that applies here. From what I feel, I feel like Karasu's love and affection are genuine, just like mine. I love him. I really do." You said that last part aimed more at yourself than at Somnia.

"I can see that. And you, I suppose you're Samuel?"

"Yeah. I'm the one causing all of this. Sorry."

"I would've been mad, but hearing you talk all the way here made me realize you didn't want this either. I feel bad for you. Don't get me wrong, you deserve what happened to you, but I think that now that you've reflected, you should be set free. It's not fair and at this point it's overkill."

"I kindly disagree." Samuel said with an awkward smile.

"Well I disrespectfully disagree with your disagreement!" You butted in. "I think you've changed and you should be set free. I may not be looking for a cure to help me, but I will try to find a way to free you. I can't guarantee I will, but I'll try my best all the way up till the end."

Samuel visibly jumped in surprise at your statement. His eyes were wide while they stared at you. They eventually softened and he gave you a smile. "You can try." He was clearly not convinced.

"Hmmm..." Somnia hummed. "I think it's time to end this. I am needed somewhere else."

"Oh. Ok then. See you in the morning?" You said.

"Yes...sleep tight." Somnia clapped his hands and everything went dark.


Clair sat up in her bed, gasping for air. She touched her bed and looked around in the dark, trying to calm herself down. She placed her hand on her chest and breathed. She'd just gotten a vision. Usually when that happened, her eyes would glow brightly and the vision would appear in her eyes. But in order for her to actually see them, they came in the forms of daydreams. Or, if she was asleep, they came in the forms of actual dreams, which did allow Somnia to see them too.

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