Universe 103

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It was morning. Well, it was early in the morning according to the time. You had already dropped off the presents in the other's rooms. You had your pajamas on with a big puffy sweater on. The seasons changed differently than they did in the human realm. When it was summer in the human realm it was autumn here. You quietly made your way down the stairs for what could be the last time and left the home. You had left Grisella's and Bucky's present on your bed with the notes and explanations on top.

Snow was yet to fall, but the temperature was already dropping. Matter of fact it had been dropping, a few weeks ago Shiva got sick and as a result everyone else in his family got sick too. You had your headphones with you. Grisella and Bucky had wanted you to be as comfortable as you could be through this painful experience and you wanted to drown in the sound of music. Hopefully it'd help you drown out your own screams.

You were following directions from your DDD to find the place this would all take place in. You walked in silence with music filling your head. Eventually it seemed that Samuel woke up.

'I'll miss you.' he said. You turned off the music and removed your headphones.

"Me too. I'll miss everyone actually."

'Did you get your closure?'

"I did. These months were some of my happiest."

'You're going to leave a mark y'know?'

"I know. Funny, before I thought my existence wasn't all that important. That if I died right now no one would care, but I guess I was wrong. This is one of the few times I'm glad that I wasn't right."

'If you do die, at least you won't have to worry about anything anymore.'

"That's true...I'm a little bit scared of where I'll end up though."

'That's fair. Despite the whole, 'Heaven' and 'hell' thing, I believe that whatever someone believes in that's what'll happen to them. Like if you believe in reincarnation that's what will happen. What do you believe happens after death?'

"That's a really loaded question. I'd have to say that I think we just join the void that is space. I heard once, somewhere, I don't remember where, but I heard humans were made up of stardust. Or, that we have stardust within us. So maybe when we die our body returns from where it came from and we turn into stars again."

'That's quite a beautiful way to look at it. Sort of like returning to your 'home' of sorts.'

"Yeah." You walked in silence for a while. The scenery had soon changed from a city to a forest. The sound of leaves and branches crunching under your feet filled the forests. There weren't any animals in the forest so it was eerily quiet. Eventually you found a clearing of sorts. It wasn't really a clearing, it was this circular area that was surrounded by trees. Looking up you saw that the moon lined up perfectly and the moonlight lit up the area. There was a deep pond, the water was clear and dark.

'I wonder how people swim in the Devildom without being scared.'

In the middle of this pond there was another bit of land. It was big enough for you to lay on and there was a bridge attaching the two pieces of land. You looked around and saw that Solomon, Grisella, Bucky, Barbatos, and Diavolo were there. You wondered why Barbatos was there.

"Y/N, it's time." Grisella said as she held your hands. You looked at her straight in the eyes and nodded.

"I'm ready." Grisella pulled you into a hug and Bucky joined you. You felt his arms wrap around you and your grandma. It was nice to just stand like this, but you couldn't do it for long. They pulled away and moved to the side so Diavolo and Barbatos could have a moment with you.

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