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No one had expected things to turn out this way. It had just been a normal day. Then again most tragedies started as a normal day. With the people being involved thinking it was going to be a normal day.

Let's take a look at the day's events from a different perspective. Shortly after the speech, Satan and Lucifer switched back to normal. Satan had to admit that the whole experience helped him realize he wasn't Lucifer.He decided that instead of making choices that would anger Lucifer, he'd make choices based on what he wanted. After the speech he found MC and made a pact with them.

"I do have to ask, why do you want to make pacts with us? What's the end goal?"

"I want to make a pact with Lucifer." They said sternly.

"Why though?"

"I...have my reasons. I just need his help to access something."

Satan was suspicious but supposed it wouldn't hurt to help. During lunch, Satan, Mammon, Levi, and MC were all sitting at a table in the school cafeteria. They were talking about how to get Lucifer to make a pact with MC. They didn't have many ideas. There wasn't much out there that would make Lucifer make a pact with MC, or anyone for that matter. Just look at Solomon, he's been trying to get a pact with him and he hasn't even succeeded.

"I got it! What if we pretend that he gets sucked into a game?" Levi suggested.

"No offense, but I doubt that'll work." Mammon deadpanned.

"Let's hear him out first." MC patted Mammon's hand and turned to hear Levi's idea.

"We can make it so each of us disappears one at a time. Then, you can find the 'game' in my room. I can write an article online about it with instructions on how to 'beat' it. I'll make it so you and Lucifer had to talk to each other, maybe if you talked and got to know each other, you'd grow closer and he'd agree to a pact."

"I like the idea." MC said. "Let's do it!"

Levi ordered some random game off akuzon, and it arrived at their home that same afternoon, he was a premium member after all. He wrote up the website and set everything up. Soon everything was going according to plan. The brothers all disappeared one by one until only Lucifer and MC were left. They knew they had some time, you and Karasu were in town and they were sure you wouldn't be back for a while.

Everything was going fine until they heard footsteps.

"Who do you think it is?" Mammon whispered to his brothers.

"Let's check, but be quiet." Satan said as he quietly opened the door. He saw you and Karasu walking into Beelzebub's room. "It's Y/N and Karasu. They just went into Beel's room."

"Why are they going into my room?" Beelzebub asked with a head tilt.

"I'm not sure, but they are being quiet. I doubt they'll be a problem though." They all shrugged it off, not paying either of you any mind. When you both left to head downstairs, their brother followed you to make sure you didn't ruin the plan. They all had held their breath when you walked up to the library door. They sighed with relief when you moved on down the hall. They decided to head back to the main entrance and just chilled there.

Everything was fine until they heard a commotion from the library. They heard yelling and objects being thrown around. Those noises cover up the sound of the attic gate bursting open. Soon MC came running out of the library with Lucifer hot on their trail. The brothers began to panic. They didn't know what to do and they didn't expect things to end up like this.

"Lucifer!" A voice yelled from the staircase. Everyone turned to look at Belphie, who was standing on the staircase. The sight seemed to calm Lucifer down, before his face turned red with fury again. As Lucifer started yelling at MC, the ground shook with Cerberus's roar. Everyone was yelling and no one was making any sense. It was complete and utter chaos. A few seconds later they felt what had to be the equivalent of an earthquake as Cerberus slammed against the basement wall. Not that they knew that that was what caused it.

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