A not so happy reunion

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You stood in the gym as you watched Satan give Lucifer's speech. You were standing next to Karasu and Levi.

"He's doing great." You mumbled.

"Yeah, hopefully after this they can switch back." He mumbled back to you.

"Hopefully." You all clapped as the speech came to a close and teachers all hurried you back to class. The speech had been before school, so now you were in your first class of the day. You sat down at your desk with Levi next to you.

"How'd it go in the human world?" He asked as he sat down.

"It was great. My grandma and uncle will be visiting soon so I'm looking forward to that."

"Wait, so like, are you presenting us to your family?"

"Yeah, I suppose so. Why'd you look nervous?"

"I just want to make a good impression."

"Don't worry about it. My uncle is super laid back, he loves video games so you can talk about that." You waved him off. "And my grandma will like you just fine. I'm sure she'll think you're cute just like I do."

Levi got flustered and looked away from you. "You can't just say things like that, y'know?!"

"Hmm I don't see why I can't. Oh, are you embarrassed I think you're cute?" You leaned in.


"Relax! I'm just messing with you, but you'll be fine. Trust me."

"If you say so..."


"So, me and my siblings made you a drink out of the fruits that help hide the effects, want to give it a try?" Karasu held out the bottle to you and you took it.

"It's...very blue. Looks like it's blue raspberry flavored." You popped open the cap and took a long sip. It was very cool and refreshing. It tastes like a lot of different fruits but the tangerine flavor really stuck out.

"It's so good!" You exclaimed as you took another sip, and then another.

"I'm glad you like it!" Karasu cheered. "So...let's see the results!"

You pulled down your mask and turned to Karasu. "Well?"

"Ah," he traced his finger over where the marks used to be. "It's like it wasn't even there in the first place."

"Good. That means I can take these stupid glasses off." You removed them and stuffed them back into your bag.

"Say ah!" Karasu said as he held out a fork with some food on it.

"Ah." You opened your mouth and ate the food.

"So what are we going to do now? I mean you've met your grandma and all but what happens now?"

"I've got to get that diamond, so I can see if I can do anything with or to it."

"Great, but how are we going to do that? There's almost always someone in the house and after last time I doubt it'll be easy to get into the basement."

"We can check to see if the closet entrance is still available. Lucifer forgot to check on the diamond's seal, I doubt he's checked the entrance." You said with an eye roll and a matter of fact tone.

"Damn, throwing shade?"

"Yes! I'm throwing massive shade right now." You said in an aggressive tone.

"What if it's sealed?"

"If it is, then once I tell him about the diamond I'll wring his neck for not putting that same attention to a diamond that's known to kill the person that touches it. Secondly...we'd need to find how to tame Cerberus if we go down there. But we can't ask Lucifer otherwise he'd be suspicious."

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