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I am very inconsistent with writing chapters so please forgive me with that, I will be using gender neutral pronouns for Y/N and there will be a lot of references to things in this book (fan fiction?)
This is not meant to be taken seriously! Some strong language will be used!

(Also I will try to sneak in at least one song reference into every chapter, but most of the time it'll just give you second hand embarrassment)

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* You awoke with a groan as your annoying alarm clock woke you up. You've always hated that thing, it's way too loud. You get up and shut off the alarm. After showering and getting dressed, you prepare yourself for the big day. It's early summer, which means you won't be attending any of your classes anytime soon. You made plans to be going out with your friends Natalie and Connor. The two of them are twins and you three have been friends since you were little kids. Although you love her, it seems that sometimes Natalie can never manage to shut up.

Checking your phone, you get quite startled to see that it's already 8:00.

"Shit!" You hiss to yourself, luckily nobody heard since you live alone in a small and somewhat cramped dorm room. Grabbing your car keys, you practically run out the door. Unfortunately, you have to drive in silence because someone stole your car radio a few months back, but you don't let that bother you too much. After driving for almost ten minutes you finally arrive at the local Burger King, where you had agreed to meet Natalie and Connor the day prior. Now that you think about it though, it's a very strange place to decide to meet. Pulling up getting out of the car, you immediately heard the high pitched squeal of Natalie from inside the restaurant.

Less than a second after you pushed open the glass doors you practically get tackled by Natalie.
"OH MY GOD!! Y/N YOU'RE FINALLY HERE!!" You rolled your eyes and were slightly embarrassed because she was screaming and squealing so loud in a public place. All the noise she was making had started to gain the attention of several people just trying to eat their breakfast in peace. "We were worried about you Y/N!" she said, ever so slightly more composed this time.

"Worried about me? Why?" You responded, still very confused as to what was happening.

"You took so long to show up! We thought you might have died!" She looked like she may have been about to burst into tears.

"She was the only one worried, not me." Connor said, looking up from his phone. He hadn't said a word this far, you almost forgot he was here.

"I'm sorry but what do you mean I took so long?" You said while glancing at your watch. You were only three minutes early.

"Look!" She said, showing her phone. It was an hour ahead of my watch. "You took a whole hour!" She squealed, attracting the attention of almost everyone else in the building.

"Actually, I think the time on your phone is just off." You giggled lightly after saying it, but Natalie seemed unable to accept this. Her face flushed bright red from embarrassment until she looked like a tomato.

"Oh.." She muttered shyly, laughing slightly, although the laugh didn't seem to have any hint of humor in it.

Turning to face Connor, she said "Show me your phone." In an uncharacteristically demanding tone. Connor sighed heavily and handed his phone over to Natalie, who looked like she might cry when she realized she was wrong. Sometimes I wonder how I can be friends with someone like her.

"They told you so Natalie." Connor said rolling his eyes. He had to practically wrestle his phone from Natalie to get it back.

"Wait, if your phone says the right time how come you didn't just tell her?" You question Connor, instead of responding he points to his laptop, which was sitting on the table in front of him. He had purposefully set Natalie's phone forward so that he'd have extra time to work on his novel.

"Ha ha. Very funny." Natalie muttered, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

After ordering some food and getting served our meals we talked a bit, not about anything really interesting. It was mostly just Natalie filling me and Connor in on the latest gossip. After what felt like hours of Natalie spewing useless information the three of us finally finished eating and we were getting ready to leave, when a handsome muscular man walked up to Natalie.

The man towered over her, well over the height of six feet, he had a thick brown goatee and the whitest teeth you had ever seen. You couldn't help but feel butterflies fluttering around in your stomach from just staring at him.

"Hello young woman," He said to Natalie in a surprisingly deep but soothing voice. "I noticed you were acting up earlier, I sincerely apologize but I don't think I can let you back into the building anytime soon," He said, you could make out just a tiny bit of annoyance in his eyes. Before she could respond, he continued. "And I'm sorry to say this, but you two aren't going to be allowed back either." He said while gesturing to both me and Connor.

"Ugh, fine whatever." Natalie said and proceeded to storm out the building, dragging Connor behind her. The tall man then proceeded to leave, winking at you as he walked away.

"Wait, did he really just wink at me?" You thought to yourself, but just decided to dismiss it as a trick of your imagination.

After Natalie was kicked out the mood was kind of ruined, because of that, the three of us just decided to go home. As you drove home you couldn't help but think about how strange the man looked, he had chocolate brown hair that curled up around a golden crown and a long pointy beard. He was wearing some sort of robe made of velvet and had deep brooding brown eyes. You were also extremely disappointed that you couldn't come back, especially because Burger King has always been your favorite restaurant, and there weren't any others nearby.

As your thoughts drifted back to his appearance, you couldn't help but feel a little flustered, especially when you thought about how he had winked at you. Suddenly a thought came to your mind. Am I turned on by him? No! You instantly shut the thought down as you pulled into your dorm building's parking lot.

You returned to your small dorm and reminisced about the extremely attractive man. Just as you were about to kick back and watch some Netflix your phone buzzed.

It was a text from your ex.

Authors Note:
Hi!! Some of you (nineteen people total) may think that you've read this before, but you have not! I am completely re-writing this story bigger, better, and stronger than before. I will try to put out at least one chapter a week, but I'm going to aim to upload twice a week. Although sometimes if I am particularly busy I'll accidentally miss a week. I'll likely post several of the first chapters relatively quickly and then fall into a general schedule. That is all, goodbye.

I love you, my king. (Burger King X reader)Where stories live. Discover now