Busy day

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You found yourself waking up, the sun shining through the blinds and into your eyes uncomfortably. Suddenly, you realize that your alarm hadn't gone off. You forgot to set it, and you always manage to sleep in. Looking over at your alarm clock, it read 12:20pm. That mean's you only have five hours to get ready before your meeting with Sans. That should be enough time to get ready, but not enough time to play Hello Kitty Island Adventure as much as you would like to.

Sighing lightly, you follow your usual morning routine, brushing your teeth, showering, getting dressed, and browsing Amazon for products you really want to purchase, but know aren't worth the investment so you inevitably won't buy them but will end up wishing you did later on.

After all that, it's 3PM, you decide it'd be best to leave early, and pick up some breakfast (lunch?) before your talk with sans. That way, you can avoid having to pay for an expensive meal at jack in the box, and instead only have to pay for a 2$ ham sandwich at your local convenience store. You had to save money, after all you were currently out of a job. Or at least you were until you got hired without even an interview yesterday..

You head to your car and drive straight towards the nearest convenience store, which was fittingly called "A Generic Convenience Store" the store seems to typically be deserted at all times, besides the cashier who never seems to be off work.

Once you arrive, you push open the glass door and here the jingle of a bell attached to the door.

"Hi, welcome to a generic convenience store. We are open 24 hours. Place an item here and talk to me to purchase it." The cashier spoke in a monotone voice, and he looked to be around Highschool age, he was wearing a green and black visor that had some random company name on it. Road blocks or something. Complimenting his visor were the deep circles around his eyes, making him look sort of racoonish. You wondered how long it's been since he last slept.

"Hey, do you happen to have any sandwiches? Preferably ham sandwiches?" You asked him, not even bothering to look around first.

"Yes, actually we do." He lazily brought his arm up to point at a small fridge next to you. Inside were several obscure off-brand soda cans and singular cups of yogurt. On the very bottom shelf of the fridge there was a single, sad looking ham sandwich in a plastic wrap. Now that you think about it, Jack In The Box might not be so bad..

Deciding that wasting money wouldn't be so bad, you turn around to leave, but decide that it would be rude to enter the store only to not buy anything. So you grab a can off one of the off-brand soda's, labeled witches brew. It looked to be some kind of monster energy rip off, but it'd have to do. You bring it over towards the cashier, who didn't even bother to glance your way. He took the can from your hands, scanned it, and proceeded to shove it in your hands, all within what seemed like a single millisecond.

"Have a nice day." He muttered, sounding as if scanning your can was the most exhausting thing he'd done all week. Actually, considering how empty the store always seemed to be it probably was the most exhausting thing he'd done all week.

     After leaving the conscience store you decided to check the time on your phone again, it was only 4. With an hour to burn you tried to brainstorm ideas on how to pass the time, but in the end the only thing you could think of doing is going to Burger King to flirt with a certain sexy king of burgers. However, you decided that if you did that you might end up showing up to Jack In The Box late, and you didn't want to be rude. Even if you were only going to be rude to your toxic ex.

To pass the time, you decided to text Burger King about your work schedule. After he gave your wallet back you found a gift card in it, along with a note that had his number and a winking smiley face on it.

I love you, my king. (Burger King X reader)Where stories live. Discover now