Season 1

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Episode: S1E1
Title: Power
Description: When Miss Toronto Electric and Light, Alice Howard, is electrocuted at one of these demonstrations, Detective William Murdoch cannot help but wonder if she was murdered. Assisted by the local coroner Dr. Julia Ogden and inventor Nikola Tesla, Murdoch applies his scientific approach to policing to solve the crime.
Reason: So I like this episode because it's the first one and we get introduced to all the characters. It really is a great start to the season and the show.

Episode: S1E7 (ik theres a skip but these are my favorites, not ones I've seen)
Title: Body Double
Description: During a performance of "Macbeth" in a venerable Toronto theater, a desiccated body breaks through the floor and lands with a chandelier just missing Lady Macbeth
Reason: this episode is so good because it involves Theatre and plays which are my two favorite things obviously. There's so much drama in this, it makes the whole episode perfect. Highly recommend

Episode: S1E12
Title: The Rebel and the Prince
Description: Prince Alfred, grandson of Queen Victoria, is visiting Toronto and Murdoch is assigned to protect the reckless playboy from Fenian conspiracy. Prince Alfred, grandson of Queen Victoria, is visiting Toronto and Murdoch is assigned to protect the reckless playboy from Fenian conspiracy. 
Reason: this episode if great if you want a history lesson, and a good laugh. It is so full of information it's hard to keep track.

That's all from Season 1 for now!

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