Season 7

22 1 4

Episode: S7E3
Title: The Filmed Adventures Of Detective William Murdoch
Description: Murdoch is investigating a murder in a movie house when he finds himself pulled into the drama surrounding James Pendrick's filmmaking venture.
Reason: another great history episode, real or fake. It still has some great information as well at an investigation. Highly recommended for a good laugh.

Episode: S7E5
Title: Murdoch and the Living Dead
Description: Detective Murdoch investigates the death of Harriet Fuller whose body is found on the riverbank near Corktown. They question her husband Jeremiah who is indifferent and passive. Their 13yr. old daughter Betty says he looks like her father and he talks like him, but it isn't him.
Reason: ZOMBIES!! Another one of George's theories !!!

Episode: S7E6
Title: Mudochophobia
Description: Murdoch investigates the death of one of Julia's phobia patients, but cab Murdoch overcome his own fear to solve this case?
Reason: idk but it's really interesting to watch. Recommended for sure.

Episode: S7E7
Title: Loch Ness Murdoch
Description: Detective Murdoch investigates the death of Katie Buchanan who is found dead at the beach by her friend Elaine Lawson. Both are entrants in a beauty pageant known as the "Miss Purity" competition, to select the new face of Alexander soap.
Reason: it's a really fun episode and if you look and pay attention, you'll see some troubles in the victims that seem very close to Hamilton :)

Episode: S7E9
Title: Midnight Train To Kingston
Description: Detective Murdoch, Inspector Brackenreid, Dr. Ogden and several others are transporting serial killer James Gillies to the prison in Kingston, Ontario where he is scheduled to be executed the next day. It creates a bit of a stir among the passengers when they learn who is being transported.
Reason: James Gillies

Episode: S7E13
Title: The Murdoch Sting
Description: A bank president goes missing at the start of his engagement party. Murdoch's investigation uncovers that his fiancee was living under an assumed alias which leads to a run-in with a familiar con artist and thus requires a sting operation to catch a murder.
Reason: Eva Pearce, duh.

Episode: S7E14
Title: Friday the 13th, 1901
Description: When a drunken Crabtree challenges Leslie Garland to a curling match, he has to put a foursome together. Murdoch declines an invitation to join but applies his scientific approach to helping them play better.
Reason: the description doesn't say but Julia and Emily go to an island for a bachelorette party and almost everyone dies

Episode: S7E17
Title: A Blast Of Silence
Description: The mayor of Toronto orders all industries in the area shut down and the police do their best to keep the noise pollution to a minimum, but eventually, finding himself under pressure, the mayor eventually relents and work resumes. ... Sometime later, a new victim is found with a similar bomb: the mayor himself.
Reason: I mostly love the science part of this episode and how he figures out how to defuse the bomb.

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