Chapter 8: The Third Shard in The Orphanage With a Dark Secret

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"Why's Everyone Screaming? Said Tart.", Who are you guys! Said A Boy with Platinum Blonde."
Where did you guys come from how did you get into the Orphanage! Said Boy with Black Hair."
Uh Well my name is Fran Bow Dagenhart, this is Tart, That's Seiya, and the Boy Passed is I think is named "Shun" this is Ciel Phantomhive, and and the Little girl with the Pink hair is Nozomi Tamaki said Fran."

"Nozomi Hid Behind Ciel."
Ciel was Annoyed but didn't Bother it."
There there Three Kids Before The Group."
One with the Platinum Blonde hair was a Boy, The one with the Black Hair was also a Boy and The last one was a Girl with Orange Yellowish Hair."
They looked at Them Confused."
Uh I guess we should just tell who we are? Said the Girl with Orange Hair."
But we don't know where the heck they came from! Said The Boy with Black Hair."
you could just ask us to explain that for you said Fran."

"Well My Name is Norman, This is Emma and Ray, we're from Grace Field House, it's a Orphanage we live together not far from here? Said Norman."
Shun, Shun? Said Seiya."
He was trying to wake him up.
We should get some help said Emma."
I don't think we should tell Mom but you have a point, if she finds out about them then it's going to complicated said Ray."
Is there something wrong with your Mom? Said Nozomi."
Uh no not like that said Norman."

"The Three of Them were Talking Privately again!, But why did they ran off deeper into the Woods? Said Gilda."
Ugh how long are we gonna stand around in plan!, They just had to go deeper beacuse they knew we were looking!, We have to Save Connie! As soon as possible we don't have time for this! Said Don."

"Besides then going deeper in the woods?, What if something is Preventing Us? Said Glida."
What do you mean? Said Don."
I don't really know?, Something tells me this isn't dangerous just beacuse it's "bad people" it's More then that Much more? Said Gilda."
Please could any of you help Shun? Said Seiya."
What's wrong with him? Sat Emma."
I....I can't say it... said Seiya."
Well when we meet them they we're not the age you see them as they are much older, but something happened when we got here that it changed their ages said Fran."

"What are you talking about? Said Ray." Fran don't tell them that they won't believe you! Said Ciel."
Well you don't have to get all mad at me for it! Said Fran."
Shun has no cuts on him?, So I won't be able to heal him until Shou wakes up again?, Thought Nozomi."
Norman, Emma, Ray? What are you Three doing so far in the woods you aren't supposed to be out this far said Isabella."
Uh Damn said Ray."
Um Mom? Said Emma."
Isabella saw the others."
Oh and who may you all be? Said Isabella." With "Kind" smile on her face."

"There's Definitely Something About her?, Could she know something about the other mirror shard?, Thought Nozomi."

"With Aiko's Group they Found themselves in a Forest."
Where are we? Said Dragon Shiryu."
Looks like we're deep in some Forest? Said Cygnus Hyoga."
It seems Nozomi could be somewhere around here, so you two might be able to find your friends said Aiko."
If we can get Shun and Seiya that all that matters too us, but if Nozomi can do stuff like this whatever she's trying to accomplish may not be good for her if you know what I mean, you know her better than us said Dragon Shiryu."

"You are right, I was there with her when she was just a infant, when her father was injured and comatose to her Mother's Disappearance, I know why she's doing, but I can't let her do it beacuse it's dangerous, said Aiko."
Aiko walked ahead of them."
Her mother? Said Cygnus Hyoga."
I think you'll find out said Rika."

"In the infirmary, Isabella was Caring for Shun." Don't worry your friend will be fine trust me all he needs is some rest? Said Isabella."
Thank you Mis? Said Seiya."
Please call me Isabella, I am a mother of this House, as for you all I'll let you stay until your friend gets well you may be able to get along with Emma, Norman and Ray too for awhile, and I'll see what I can do to help you find your way to where you need to be said Isabella."
Isabella left the Infirmary."

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