Chapter 16: The Seventh Shard in The Hands of Superhero Students

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"This is a Big City?, but where did Nozomi go Now?! Said Naomi."
More importantly are Asumi, Nodoka and Latte-Pe said Pegitan."

"Why do you always End Your Sentences Like that? Said Batman."
Oh yeah well, it's just something we do?, So all I can say it's sort of a Habit we do as Fairys-Nya said Nyatoran."

"Oh?!, The Mirror Shard! Said Hinata."
Mirror Shard?, This is what Nozomi was Looking for? Said Norman."
But why is Nozomi collecting them did she tell any of you?, Said Rika."
"I can't exactly remember what she wants them for, but if we have one of the Pieces Once we find her we can give It to her said Ray."

"All I really care about is that we find her, if Ren's now with her we should get him back too, he's not in a good condition to fight especially with what's been going on, he won't be able to defend himself, it's really hard to explain what has happened to him, but I can't let them get Hurt, I just can't let him lose Nozomi he's been too much pain as it is ever since Nozomi's Mother disappeared said Yachiyo."
Yachiyo was really upset."

"I understand what you mean, I lost my mother, and she was really important to me, when thinking of how you talk about her mother reminds me of her, it's like I understand Nozomi what I feels like not having there Mother around said Cygnus Hyoga."
I see, her name was "Iroha", and too tell you as a Magical Girl I've lost friends, Magical Girls in my world aren't Very lucky, I can't say why but maybe I'll be able to explain it, though I pretty sure you wouldn't like it especially sense you saw that Witch from last time that also has to do with Magical Girls said Yachiyo."

"But Iroha, she was the nicest person I've met, and just when I see Nozomi reminds me of her, and I just wish one day Nozomi will Smile again, beacuse that's what Iroha would want said Yachiyo."
Yeah, she really was the Nicest person,
Even if I was a Little Jealous of her, that's not gonna change my feelings about her Relationship with Senpai,
But whoever took Iroha I'll make them pain for hurting him And Nozomi taking away the Person they care about the most said Sumire."

"I would suggest that you don't Seek Revenge on it, if you use Your Anger it would make you reckless when you find the Person Responsible said Aries Mu."
Mu is right, Violence gets you nowhere, said Batman."
Uh.....ok well I don't think that's gonna be working for any of us Here said Rika."
Well maybe some I guess? Said Chiyu."

"That's when they heard an Explosion."
Helicopters Raced to the scene."
There was a Gas Explosion in a Tall Building."
Oh no those People are in trouble! Said Hinata."
We gotta do something-Nya! Said Nyatoran."
Pretty-! Said Hinata."
Hinata, Nyatoran no!, You can't just Transform and go do that it's too dangerous! Said Chiyu."
Then what are we supposed to do some of us are superheroes right so we got to do something! Said Hinata."

"Wait a Minute look! Said Green Hornet."
Ok everyone it's gonna be alright, Hop on me close your eyes and you'll be down in no time! Said a Giant Woman."
People jumped onto her to safety."
They went closer to see what was going on."

"A Man was Lifting up Ruble his Bare hands."
And another that Looked like a Fireman was Putting out the Fire with his Hands."
Another made Wood and use it too hold the Building Up where the Explosion occurred."
Ok that's Everything! Said Mountain Lady she came down to Normal Size."
Great Job M.T, Said Death Arms."
Ok Fire is all Out, Kawui you can stop it's Stable enough! Said Backdraft."
Alright then said Kawui Wood."

"Thank you so much for Saving Us! Said a Citizen."
Oh don't worry we're just glad you're alright, said Mountain Lady."
Hey guys we better get going soon to the Hero Festival, remember we can't let the Young ones be in any danger! Said Mountain Lady."
Uh they are literally fighting each other with other classmates and schools with there Quirks said Kawui Wood."

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