Chapter 13: The Dark Alice Becomes an Ally

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"They Follow Alice Liddell, Though The Forest."
The Area of Wonderland we are in is Called the Vale of Tears said Alice."
Vale of Tears? Said Fran."
Yes the water that streams though here is made my tears, it even taste salty said Alice."
It's made out of tears?! Said Pegasus Seiya."
Well I don't know that in the Film Alice did Cry a lot when she was stuck in the Room with the Tiny Door? It Even asked her to used to bottle which helped her shrink Said Robin."

"You mean the Drink Me Bottle?, Like this one? Said Alice."
She took it out of her Apron's Pocket."
There was Purple Liquid inside the Bottle."
I don't really need to use Sense I can just hiccup to shrink but I always have it on me when it's needed, you there's a Fountain of this liquid in the Vale of Tears, but I only have 5 Bottles of these so If you need them I can give them too you said Alice."

"Uh no thanks we're good, but do you know where you are Taking us? Said Ciel."
Well I am taking you to the Mad Hatter, though he's not around anymore, you may be able to find a Mirror Shard of What Remains of the Hatter's Domain, though as you saw with the Bolterflys I'll be glad to help navigate for you, as you know this Wonderland isn't very well stable it's a Dangerous Place Filled with all types of Monsters that will not hesitate to Kill each of you said Alice."

"Oh I see?, Well at least Nozomi was able to take care of them in time or we would have been Goners said Emma."
You are correct, so where is the Hatter's Domain? Said Nozomi."
Up ahead, will have to take a Cable Car there, Cheshire helped me fixed it when the Bolterflys Destroyed it last, it should be stable enough sense I used it a Couple of times said Alice."

"So you've been here for a long time haven't you? Said Andromeda Shun."
Unfortunately Yes, I've lost my mind and can't return to the world I once known, all I can do is travel here in Wonderland and help anyone in need that Being you, well it's unfortunate There was really nothing good for me There anyway, so I'm quite happy here in Wonderland, but if this "Alice" you speak of is around here and is Evil as you say, I must have a word with her,
I can not have this Wonderland be harmed anymore.....not again that and anymore that is said Alice."

"So you're saying this isn't the first time Stuff like this happened in wonderland? Said Kato."
Indeed, The Second Time was with The infernal Train was The last and I wouldn't like there to be a Third, but it can't be helped I am afraid I can't prevent that, all I can do is help the one's you need add Said Alice."
Alice continued to walk and the others followed her."

"Quickly Hide Over Here! Said Rika."
There was a Hollow Spot hidden by some Bushes."
There's no way we can fit all in There all she's chasing us?! Said Naomi."
Well maybe but I am going to stop her, Mu I am gonna need Your help with this said Rika."
Right I'll defend you Manami said Aries Mu."
Be careful you two, everyone hide now! NO REFUSALS! Said Sumire

"Aries Mu and Rika Stud out and Guarded the Others Hiding Spot as It came Closer to them."
It Walked Calmly came Out, with it leaving burn grass footsteps as it Walked closer to Aries Mu and Rika."

"Rika held out her Katana."
I don't know what you are but you are no Alice!, We'll not let you eliminate the others! Said Rika."
It grined at them as it charged fourth."
Crystal Wall! Said Aries Mu."
Aries Mu used this Attack to Block it's Attack."
Aghhhhh!, It said demonically as it's knife it had carried engulfed into flames and broken though the Defense Attack."
Aghhhhh! Said Aries Mu as he was Thrown back against a Tree."
Mu! Said Dragon Shiryu."

"Damnit! Said Rika."
It then faced Rika."
Calm down, and Stay still!, Unlock the Power of The Beast within you!, Let it stalke it's prey, and unleash it's moment to attack!, Thought Rika as she stood Calmly and didn't move an inch."
Rika stud still like a Bear or mountain lion ready to attack."
Skill 1 Beast Breathing!, Spiritual Awareness! Said Rika."
She utilized their sense of touch to identify the position of It and their weaknesses by feeling small disturbances in the air."

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