Chapter 19: A Traveler From another World Jumps In To Help Another

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"So that's what you did?, You are very Clever but you really need to learn how to learn about your Surroundings before attacking, said Lisa."
Lisa Seemed more Calmer then she was Earlier when she was angry that her half of her Library with books that in the world will be hard to get almost got destroyed."
I am sorry, Sundo tells me the other way to reply is if I clean up the mess if you're ok with that I'll take for responsibility for what happened said Nozomi."

"Huh you seem to be really Responsible for your age? Said Kaeya."
"It's mainly because i learned that back in Tokime Village, said Nozomi."
"Tokime Village?, I don't believe I've heard of a Place by that name? Said Barbara."
That's Beacuse it's in a different world,
Said Nozomi."
Oh right said Barbara."
What was that thing that you were fighting? Said Nozomi."
Well that would be an Abyss Mage! Said Lisa."

"An Abyss Mage? Said Nozomi."
They Told Nozomi what an Abyss Mage was."
Abyss Mages are Monsters, There are able to harness elemental energy and they work for The Abyss Order currently we don't know who they really are, only that they want to Harm humanity and civilizations said Lisa."
The Abyss Mage you saw as a Cryo Abyss Mage, Cryo is Ice I happen to Cryo magic from this called a Vision said Kaeya."
Kaeya shows his Vision which was hung from his belt."

"Vision?, You mean like seeing the Future? Or- said Nozomi."
Oh no not like that, it's gift bestowed upon those who dwell in Teyvat and are recognized by the gods, like so it gives the Person how is bestowed it Elemental Abilities, that's base on the Element they are given, It is said that those with Visions have a chance of ascending to Celestia and attaining godhood themselves, said Barbara."

"Maybe Celestia is a Name of Heaven Here, oh wait maybe you should ask them about why or how that mage got in the library, said Shou."
Um...What did that Mage want from Lisa anyway? Said Nozomi."
She was going to mention that Shou told her that but both could feel it was off topic to bring up Shou's existence During the Moment, Nozomi was Very Curious on what the Cryo Abyss Mage was holding before it escaped and how it fought with Lisa for it."

"Well Cutie Pie, Sense you did try to "Help" I guess I can try and explain it,
It was a Piece of a Mirror Glass, I found in the Woods while looking for Ingredients of a potion I wanted to create, however discovering that I could feel it's immense power Spike though my vision, it filled by curiosity that I just had to examine it a little more? Said Lisa."
Lisa then became Serious and Annoyed."
However that Little Abyss Mage must have been mischiefly spying on me!, And was just waiting for the Right moment to have me caught off guard and seek into the Headquarters! Said Lisa."

"Lisa then Looked at Nozomi with a Wonderful Glare."
However you Showed up and it seems That Mage was "Caught Off Guard" itself it never Suspected you to appear or what your "Type" of power with out a Vision can do, your like my other Cutie Pie, and I am sure when he finally shows up he would take an interest in you? Said Lisa."
Interest? Said Nozomi."

"Outside of The Headquarters, Amber had Gotten then to the City of Mondstadt and they Talked with her about everything else they needed to know like the world Teyvat, and at the City they Happened to all be amazed by it architecture."
"Wow I've never seen anything like this in a City before? Said Ren."
It's like stepping into a fairy tail?, Said Dick."
Well I've seen something similar to it,
But it's quite quaint I'll have to say said Souta."
Whoa that's a big statue who's the person they Model it after? Said Amanozako."

"Well that's Barbados, There the God of Mondstadt which is called the City of Freedom, he was one of the Seven Archons, which are other Gods and Goddesses, who all are based on a Certain Element, though I believe that's all you really need to know at the moment, it's best we forcus on finding Nozomi said Amber."
Oh right said Asumi."
They Went to The Mondstadt Cathedral."
Where the met Sister Victoria."

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