Chapter 8: Getting Prepared

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The car ride was quiet again, but I think it's because none of us knew what to talk about. As we were driving, I realized something. "Aidan." I said, as I was looking at the road. "Yeah?" He responded. "Won't people notice that we don't have the rottweiler tattoo?" I asked. "People that are a part of the mafia, are not going to be the only ones that are going to be there." He told me. I cocked an eyebrow at his response. "For the mafia that Andrew is in, he and the other mafia's, that are his rivals, go back and forth on hosting parties." "Why would they do that?" I asked. I honestly thought that it was stupid. "So they can rub in each other's faces about how 'awesome'," Aidan said, using his right hand for air quotes, "their party is. Believe me, the idea is stupid." He said. "Since we're here," Aidan started to say, as he started to pull up to the Welcome Inn parking lot, "we can start discussing the plan when we get to the room." Aidan stopped, turned off the car, and then we got out. I was carrying the backpack, my hoodie, and dress in my hand, and Aidan was carrying his mask, suit, and the heels he bought me.
We walked into the hotel, and made our way to the elevator. Aidan pressed the button, and we stepped inside when the elevator doors opened. "You chose a red dress?" Aidan asked, as he looked at the dress. "Is there something wrong with it?" I asked. I wasn't trying to give him an attitude (I was just trying to ask), but I heard myself, and gave a little attitude. "No, you just look really good in red." He said. The elevator doors opened as I smiled at myself. "Well, thank you." I said, as we were walking down the hall. Aidan took the key card out of the backpack, and unlocked the door. He opened it, and then held it open for me as I walked in. I heard Aidan close the door as I set everything down on the bed. "On second thought, let's get dressed first." Aidan said, as he grabbed his tux. I nodded my head, and grabbed my dress, along with underwear, and a black strapless bra. I walked into the bathroom, and closed the door. Although this is last minute, I decided to take a quick shower.
    When I was done, I wrapped my towel around my body, and stepped out of the bathroom. I went over to my bag and grabbed my blow dryer. When I stood up (from taking the item that I wanted out of my bag), I saw that Aidan was ironing his shirt; I noticed him looking at me. I saw him gently bite his lower lip, as his eyes started to scan my body. "I have to quickly blow dry my hair, and then I'll get dressed and do my makeup." "Okay. We leave in two hours." He said, as he continued to iron his shirt. I didn't say anything in response, and went back into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, and plugged in the blow dryer. I started to blow dry my hair, and I liked how the warm air was hitting my neck. After I was done, I unplugged it, and started to get dressed. I slipped into the dress, and loved how it felt and looked on me. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the room. I put my stuff away, and grabbed my makeup and curling iron. I walked back into the bathroom, but left the door open. I first started to do my makeup. I was going for a simple nude color, and wasn't going to do anything extra.
After I applied my eyeshadow and mascara, and started to do my eyebrows as Aidan walked in. He was wearing his black dress pants, but didn't have a shirt on. "Your eyebrows look nice." Aidan said, as he put his left hand on the counter, and was leaning against it. "Thank you." I said, as I started to put my makeup to the side, and plugged in the curling iron. "Why do you have your shirt off?" I asked, as I was admiring his body. "I didn't want to ruin it as I do my hair." He said, as he took his hand off the counter, and started to do his hair. I started to curl my hair, and I tried not to look at Aidan in the mirror, as I was doing it though. A few minutes later, I finished my hair. I started to fix it by putting some hair in the front (on my shoulders), and some in the back. Aidan left the bathroom a while ago, so I walked out. I walked over to the bed, and sat down to put my heels on. "Damn, Y/N," Aidan started to say, "you look beautiful." I started to blush, as I spread a smile on my face.
    "Thank you, and you look very handsome." I said, as I stood up, and walked over to him so I could help him with his tie (I noticed him struggling). I stood in front of him, and started to fix his tie for him. I wanted to pull his tie closer so I could kiss him, but I didn't. I tightened his tie, and stepped back from him. "There you go." I said. "Thanks, Y/N." He responded, as he grabbed his blazer from the bed. He put it on, and then grabbed both of our masks. "Oh, shit." I said, as I walked over to my bag. "Is something wrong?" Aidan asked. "No, I just almost forgot about my thigh strap." I said, as I put it into my hands and sat on the bed. Since I had a leg slit on my right leg, I put the strap on my left leg. It felt a little uncomfortable (because I am a righty), but I knew that I would adjust. Aidan put our masks into the backpack, and put the bag on his back. "Ready to go?" He said, as I made my way over to him. "Yeah, let's go." I replied. Aidan and I left the room, and made our way to the elevator.
After the elevator ride, we started to walk out into the parking lot. Aidan unlocked the car, and we both got in. He handed me his bag, and I set it infront of me. Aidan turned on the car, and left the parking lot. "The drive is thirty-five minutes." Aidan said. "Okay, and we haven't discussed the plan." I said. "Shit." I heard Aidan whisper, underneath his breath. "Okay, so we just have to get close to Andrew, and try to pull him away from the crowd. You have to act as my girlfriend, so no one suspects anything." My heart dropped when the word, "girlfriend" came out of his mouth. "Why do I have to act like your g-girlfrined?" I asked. "Because, if you just go as my friend, no one's really going to buy it." He said. I guess that makes sense. "Anyways, if anyone asks who you are, you are allowed to not give them an answer." Aidan told me. "Just, lay low, a little, and we will let each other know if we get a hold of Andrew." "Okay, but, let's say we do get separated, how will we communicate? I mean, we can't just take out our phones, because I feel like that would be too obvious." I said.
    "I know, so while you were getting ready, I installed little microphones into our masks; they look like it's a part of the design." Aidan told me. "Where did you get the microphones from?" I questioned. "Magic." Aidan said, laughing a little; I laughed a little as well. "What about weapons?" I asked next. "Well, you're obviously going to carry a knife, and I'll keep a knife in my shoe, and a gun in the waistband of my pants." He responded. I took a deep breath, and said, "Okay." "Are you okay?" Aidan asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little nervous, because God knows what these psychopaths are capable of." I said. I'm still scared; I know that I've killed three people, but that doesn't mean I'm scared of what might, or could, happen to me. "You'll be fine, trust me." Aidan said, as he stopped at a red light. He was smiling at me, and I smiled back. When the light turned green, he shifted his eyes back onto the road, and continued to drive.

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