Chapter 13: The Truth Comes Out

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   The next morning, Aidan and I woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. "Stay here, baby. I'll get it." Aidan said, as I turned my body to face him. "Hmm, okay." I tiredly said. Aidan gave me a kiss on the forehead, and slipped on his boxers. He got up from the bed and walked to the door. "Ah, shit." I heard him say. "What's wrong?" I asked, as I slowly sat up, while holding the blanket so it could still hide my body. Aidan came back over and put on his pants. "Get dressed, quickly." Aidan said. I got out of bed and put my clothes on. "What's wrong?" I asked again, as I zipped up my pants. "It's Hannah, get in the closet." "Why?" I asked him. "She could kill you!" He said. I listened to him, and went into the closet. I heard the door open, and Aidan say, "What the hell do you want?" "Aww, I miss you too." Hannah said. I heard the door close, but I knew that Hannah was in the room. "Can you answer my question?" Aidan asked. I heard the bed squeak, so I knew that he was sitting on the bed.
"Well, you killed my boyfriend." Hannah said; the tone in her voice quickly changed. "Who told you that?" "Danny, Darren's partner." "Oh, no." Aidan sarcastically said. "I was sent here to kill you, but I could do something else." Hannah said. I put my ear to the door so I could hear better. "What's that?" Aidan said. I then opened the door a little, and saw Hannah sitting on Aidans lap, and kissing him. Aidan was trying to push her off, but she wouldn't move. "Hey, bitch!" I announced, as I opened the closet door and stepped out. Hannah quickly got off of Aidan, and turned around (facing me). I saw Aidan wipe his lips off, and then I looked at Hannah. Hannah was a redhead. She had a clear face, white skin, and light brown eyes. "Who the hell are you?" Hannah said, as she was holding onto Aidans arm. Aidan picked up his arm (from her grip) and put it on his side. I walked over to her, and pushed her out of the way.
"I'm his girlfriend." I said. "Wow, Aidan. I thought you could do better." Hannah smirked. I walked over to her, and pushed her against the wall. I grabbed a knife off of the dresser, and put it on her back. "He did do better. He dated someone that looked like you, and now he's dating someone that looks like me. That's a pretty big improvement." I said. "And you're not going to kill him." I said. Hannah then turned around, and kicked me in the stomach, making me fall back. Aidan knelt down, and made sure I was okay. Hannah then left the room. "Shit!" I said, as I quickly got up, and ran out. I followed her down the hall. She then stopped in front of a flight of stairs. "Do something, bitch, do something!" Hannah said. I first looked around; no cameras. I put the knife through her chest. Hannah gasped for air. I then kicked her body, and she removed herself from my knife. I watched her body roll down the stairs, and didn't feel sorry.
    I then made my way back to the room, and closed the door. I wiped off the blood with a cloth that was on the dresser, and set the knife down. I turned my body and faced Aidan. "What?" I said. "I have never been more in love with you." He said, as he walked over to me. He pulled me in by the waist, and pushed his lips onto mine. Aidan pulled away, smiling. "So, she's dead, yes?" Aidan asked, just to clarify. "Yes, she is." I said. Aidan sighed with great relief. "Um, listen, I know this is out of nowhere, but I need to ask you about something." Aidan told me, as he held both of my hands. I was getting really nervous. "Okay, what is it?" Aidan pulled me over to the bed, and we sat down in front of each other. "Do you know who Andrew Gallagher is?" He asked me. "Yeah, he's your-" "No. I mean, before I ever came into your life." Aidan interrupted, as he held my hands a little tighter. I slowly had tears filling up my eyes. "Yeah, I did." My voice was slowly breaking. Aidan let go of my hands, and went to his side of the bed. He lifted up the mattress, and pulled out a file.
    He came back over, sat in front of me, and handed me the file. It was my file. "When I was reading through it, I realized that there was an extra page about your parents." Aidan said, as I was looking through. I went to the last page, and saw pictures of Mom and Dad. "You look like your mom." Aidan said. I smiled at his comment. "I know this is probably personal, but do you know why Maria killed herself?" Aidan asked (Maria is Mom's name). I shot my head up and looked at him. "What?" I said. "Well, it said that she killed herself." Aidan said, as he pointed to the sentence. Maria was struggling with depression, and stabbed a knife through her stomach. I read in my head. "I can't believe he's still using that lie." I whispered to myself. Aidan heard me, because he then says, "What lie?" "My mom didn't kill herself. Andrew killed her." I said. Aidan's mouth opened. "What? Do you know why?" He asked. "My family was never rich. My parents struggled to put food on the table, and to make sure that I had a bed to sleep in. So, my mom was sleeping with Andrew." I said, tears were slowly falling down my face. "Did Steven know?" Aidan asked, as he took the file out of my hands, and placed it on the bed (Steven is Dad's name). I nodded my head, "Yeah, he knew." I said.
    "My dad was the one who told my mom to do it, because obviously Andrew helped us with everything. Then, when I was ten, Andrew broke into our house. When he saw me and my dad, he started to hurt my mom. Pulling her hair, punching her, and kicking her. Andrew grabbed her by the hair, threw her to the ground, and told her that she had to choose between us or him. My mom picked us, and then Andrew stabbed that knife into my mom's stomach." I now had waterfalls streaming down my face. Aidan pulled me in for a big hug, and I was crying on his shoulder. When we pulled away, I finished talking. "Andrew then left, and my dad and I had to watch my mom bleed out. Her last words to me was, 'I love you so much, Y/N. Don't grow up worrying about me. I'm gonna miss you.' She then passed away in my dad's arms." "That's why you wanted to come help." Aidan said. "Why didn't you tell me before?" Aidan asked (he wasn't sounding rude). "It's really not easy for me to talk about, and I just hate talking about it." I said. Aidan moved a hair strand behind my ear, and left his right hand on my face; his thumb slowly rubbing against my cheek.
    "We will kill him, and you no longer have to suffer." Aidan said. He had a few tears falling down his face. "If you don't mind me asking," I started to say, as I wiped away Aidan's tears, "What did Andrew do to your mom?" I put my hands into Aidan's, and slowly started to rub them with my thumbs. "Andrew didn't know that my mom was pregnant. He found out a few days after I was born. Andrew got mad that she didn't tell him, and saw me as a great disappointment. When I was thirteen, Andrew hired a few people to come rob our house, and kill my mom." Aidan was crying; I pulled him in, and let his head rest on my left shoulder as I rubbed his back. He finished talking, with his head still on me. "I was living alone for a year, until someone reported me, and I've been on the run since." Since his mom was so special to him, I decided to ask him questions about her. "What was your mom's name?" "Pamela." Aidan responded, as he picked up his head. "That's a beautiful name. What did you love about her?" I asked next. "Everything. She was a great cook, a teacher whenever I needed help, and she was just always there." Aidan said, as he wiped his tears off his face.
     "We'll get through this, okay?" I said, as I placed my hands on the sides of his face. Aidan wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me in for a hug. As we were still hugging, we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it, baby." I said, as we moved away from each other. I gave Aidan a kiss on the cheek, and then walked over to the door. I opened the door, and someone stood in the doorway. "Hi. May I help you?" I said. "Nice to meet you, my name is Andrew." He said. I saw the rottweiler tattoo on his neck. It was now too late for me to close the door. Andrew was wearing a black suit, and stood with his hands behind his back. "What the hell do you want?" I said. "Now, now, let's not be disrespectful, Y/N." I started to slowly walk backwards. Suddenly, Andrew came into the room, and hit a gun against my thigh, making me fall to the ground from the pain. "Y/N?" Aidan said. As he got up from the bed, to walk over to me, Andrew stepped in front of me. "Hello, Aidan." Andrew said. Aidan stopped walking, and stood there.
   Andrew turned around, and picked me up by my arm. "Leave her alone." Aidan said, as he looked at me and then at Andrew. "Gentlemen?" Andrew said, as he looked to his left (towards the open door). I looked over there as well, and saw two men enter the room. Andrew threw me into them, and both got a hold of my arms. Andrew started to take steps towards Aidan. "How come you never told me that you were dating Y/N?" Andrew asked Aidan. "Why would I tell you anything?" Aidan said. "Why the hell are you even here?" Aidan asked. "Well, you killed seven people that were working for me." Andrew said. "No he didn't!" I announced. I was not going to let Aidan possibly die for something that I did. "I did it." Andrew turned around, and started to walk towards me. He lifted up my chin and said, "You look like Maria. It's disgusting." As I fought back tears, Andrew turned around, and knocked Aidan out. "Aidan!" I shouted. Just then, two more men entered the room, and picked up Aidan's unconscious body. "Take the little bitch to the car." Andrew ordered, as he walked out of the room. I started to try and get out of their grip, and when I wouldn't stop, I felt something go into my neck. My eyesight went blurry, and the last thing I remembered was my body going weak.

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