Chapter fifteen

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*meanwhile at Vilu's"

vilu: "hahahaha Cami!"

fran: "cami! that's really wrong to say!"

cami: "hahaha I just mean.... you know"

vilu: "hahaha girls! I missed our time together"

fran: "yeah...since you and Leon are together we see eachother less...."

vilu: "I know I know... but there's happened allot the last weeks and we really love each other so we want to spend as much time together! but I know I don't have to forget you two!"

cami: "ahw we love you vilu" and we group hugged

fran: "ooh no!"

cami: "what's wrong?"

fran: "I have to be home about an hour already!"

vilu: "hey! no worry! We have time enough"

cami: "yeah she's right!"

vilu: "hey wait! fran! We are talking the whole time about cami and mine relationship. But how is your love life going?"

fran: "ehem well.... There is a new boy who's working in the resto bar!"

vilu: "oeeh tell us everything!"

fran: "well ehm I met him last week and I stared in his beautiful eyes but he noticed that so he walked away....."

cami: "what? were you like staring in love or just creepy??"

fran: "I don't know! but I definitely know he doesn't like me...."

vilu: "no no no! don't think like that! This week we will go to the resto bar and cami and I will talk to him!"

fran: "ehm I don't know!"

cami: "you don't have a choice girl!" and we start laughing

*time skip*

fran: "well ehm I really need to go....cami are you coming with me or do you stay here?"

cami: "I will walk with you!"

vilu: "I will also walk with you guys.... I want to look for Leon. He still isn't home and he already left 2 hours ago"

cami: "alright! let's go"

vilu: I walk some streets with the girls and said goodbye. I want to go to the park to look for Leon. I walk through the park and see some people standing in a circle....I walk to them and try to see where they are looking at. I push some people away and see "LEEOOON!!!!!" he's laying there with blood all over him..... I run to him and sit down..... I try to wake him up "Leon! Leon! Please my love wake up!!" I start crying a little bit and start talking louder and louder "LEON! LEON! PLEASE WAKE UP!!! I love you...."

leon: "everything hurts... I hear suddenly a girls voice screaming my's vilu! she's crying! I have to wake up. I open my eyes slowly and see vilu with red eyes. she sees me and I see a little smile

vilu: "leon! It's me vilu....stay strong. I will take you home"

leon: I try to wake up slowly but it hurts so much....what the fuck happened with me??

vilu: I put my arms around him and try to make him sit. we look each other in the eyes and I put my hand on his cheek "are you okay?"

leon: "everything hurts but yeah...I see you and you're okay"

vilu: "ahw sweetie... I love you! come on I will take you home" I help him standing up and walk with him home. We enter the house and we walk to the bathroom. "I will clean your wounds, you can sit on the wahsbasin"

Leon: "no!"

vilu: "what?"

leon: "that hurts!"

vilu: "haha my little boy! I will do it carefully"

leon: "alright"

vilu: I grab some stuff and start cleaning

leon: auch this hurts man! but I have to be strong!

vilu: "done! you're a good boy" I walk out of the bathroom

leon: "ahw thank you nurse vilu...but you aren't done"

vilu: I walk back to the bathroom "that do you mean?"

leon: I get of the washbasin and walk up to vilu "a kiss helps the pain go over"

vilu: "hm I never heard about that" and I lean closer

leon: "well maybe you could try" and I lean even more closer

vilu: I bite my lip I know leon can't resist that. and I walk out of the bathroom haha "maybe an other time!" I yell while I'm walking downstairs

Leon: "daaamn!" I say really soft. and I walk after vilu downstairs

vilu: "leon?"

leon: I walk to her and lean in really close "yeah my love?"

vilu: "what happened in the park??" I say while I walk to the couch and sit

leon: "well ehm I walked through the park and" I sit next to vilu on the couch "I hear some noises behind me but if I turned around there was nothing so I walked through. But suddenly something really hard burst to my head and everything became black and after that you woke me up...."

vilu: "wow..." I put my arms around him and hold him tight "who would do that?" but in my head I could already think of some one.....or two

leon: "I don't know... but it's okay now I'm here with you"

vilu: we lay down next to each other and he plays with my curls "leon?"

leon: "yeah beautiful"

vilu: "are you okay? like really okay? I know you try to look strong but if something hurts you have to say it....A few weeks before you were in coma in the hospital.....I'm worried about you. I never want to lose you" I turn around and we lok wacht other in the eyes. Our noses touch

leon: "and I never never never want to lose you...but I'm okay i think. only my head hurts but it's okay when I see you"

vilu: "hm maybe I should try the thing you said this afternoon" I lean in and I kiss him really soft. He kisses me back and I place my hand in his neck but we get interrupted by a knock on the door "arg I will go"

leon: "no no I can do this"

vilu: :NO! I'm the nurse here and you're the patient"

leon: "okaaay" she stands up and walks to the door

vilu: I open the door but I see no one...."huh there is nobody" I look around and see a letter on the ground. I pick him up and close the door

leon: "hey what is it?"

vilu: "an letter" I walk the the couch and sit next to Leon

leon: "what does it say?"

vilu: only for vilu leon! "ehm it says it's only for me leon..."

leon: "oh I won't look"

vilu: "yeah you will! we're a couple so you can read all my mail" I open the letter "oh no..."

leon: "what?" I see tears coming up in Vilu's eyes

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