Chapter fourty-three

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Ludmi: we went with the four of us to the park to search for Vilu and Leon "ehm guys I'm really worried about Vilu! She isn't here and maybe she walked away! Maybe that stupid leon hurt her so much that she left! Forever!"

Broadway: "ehem come on drama queen! Don't overreact!"

Cami: "she isn't overreacting! She's right! Normally Vilu would be laying in her bed right now but noooo leon had to ruin this vacation and now she's probably depressive!"

Fede: "cami! Please clam down gir-"

Ludmi: "what if he IS depressive?!?! Maybe she will hurt herself!!"

Fede: "Ludmi!"

Ludmi: "no! I won't stop! My little girl is in danger because of YOUR stupid friend!!"

Fede: "oooh so now is it my fault???!"

Cami/Ludmi: "YES!"

Broadway: "come on girls! It isn't Leon's fault that she left! Maybe he hurt her but that doesn't mean she had to left! She is now only asking for more attention!"

Cami:"excuse me?!?!?"

Broadway: "what? I'm right! She just didn't get attention from leon anymore so now she want to have attention from us! So she walks away and expects us to search for her everywhere and guess what?! We're so stupid so we also just DO it!"

Ludmi: "don't you dare to talk like that about Vilu! Vilu never asks for attention and is always helping others! She's a shy girl who loves leon but HE hurt her so much last night that she couldn't handle it anymore and she left!"

Broadway: "pfft sure! I'm going home! Vilu is old enough to take care of herself!"

Ludmi: "what?! You are even worse than leon! You don't care about women at all!"

Fede: "come on ludmi!"

Ludmi: "NO! You know what?! you are just like broadway! All the boys are the same!"

Fede: "HEY! I'm worried about Vilu too! But she's old and wise enough to take care of herself! And broadway what you said about Vilu is absolutely NOT true!"

Cami: "uhg I'm getting tired of you guys! We will wait at home for them to return!"

Broadway: "yes great idea honey!"

Cami: "oooh no no no! I'm not you honey!"

Ludmi: "ooh BAM!" I grab Cami's arm and walk with her to the house while fede and broadway follow us from a few meters "Stupid boys!" I sigh. We enter the house again and I really hoped that Vilu just would be here sitting on the couch.....but no there's no one. Cami and I walk upstairs into Vilu her room while broadway and fede also came upstairs

Broadway: girls you can't keep ignoring us the whole time!" I say while I walk to Leon's room and open the door

Fede: "yeah broadway is right! Wait broadway that isn't Leon's room!" But he already looked inside and his smile grow like he saw the best thing in his live "broadway that's private! This isn't your house!" I whisper/yell to him

Broadway: "ooooh come over here! You have to see this!" I said whispering while half jumping

Fede: "no! We're not supposed to sneak in other roo-" but suddenly broadway grabbed my arm and pulled me to the room and also the girls followed us "wha- ooooohhh!" I also started jumping just like broadway did

Cami: "my!" I said really happy

Ludmi: "god!" I said just as excited as cami

Broadway: "I told you you wanted to see this" I said to them while watching at Vilu and leon laying together in the bed, totally snuggled up to each other and Vilu with her head on Leon's chest. Cami and Ludmi suddenly ran up to the bed and jumped on them

Cami: "VILUUUU!!"

Ludmi: "LEEEEEEOON!" They both slowly woke up and rubbed their eyes "well well well!"

Cami: "good morning love birds!" Leon just smiled to us while Vilu was blushing like a tomato! But why? It's not that embarrassing right! I saw Vilu was trying to sit up straight while she hold the blanket in front of her but it slipped away a bit and you saw NO bands of a bra or something over her shoulder "ohmy!"

Ludmi: "ooooh my little girl!"

Cami: "we-we'll leave you guys alone!" I said while Ludmi and I climbed of the bed really awkward! "We will prepare some breakfast for you guys!" I told them while we walked out of the room

Fede: "yeah you have to eat good after a WORK OUT!" I yelled just before the door closed. Broadway high-fived me while laughing but we both got a soft slap from the girls

Cami: "sush it will ya? It's awkward enough for Vilu!"


Cami: "tell us e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!"

Ludmi: "yeah! Why did you sneaked out of the room in the first place?"

Vilu: "well......I couldn't sleep last night, I was thinking about leon all the time and how much I missed him. So after an hour I went downstairs to drink some water, when I was pouring some water in my glass I suddenly felt two strong arms wrapped around me from behind and a sweet soft kiss in my neck! It was do sweet but I had do stay angry you know so I just removed his hands around me and walked out of the kitchen but got pulled back by leon and our faces were only inches apart! But just when he thought I forgave him I turned around and I think I even hit his face with my hair but alright I walked away again and I heard him following me. He told me he was sorry and the days together were amazing but he just wanted to talk with some boys......I actually already had forgave him but I thought let's make him work for it! So I walked further to my room and almost opened the door but leon quick stood there in front of me and blocked the way, I stared in his eyes and I leaned in and so did he. We were about to kiss when I turned around again and walked away while I heard him sighing. I went into the guest room and I actually thought leon would give up and go to his own room but suddenly I felt his arms around me again and he made me turn around to face him. He lift up my chin and kissed me really passionately! It really felt like it had been for a year we didn't kiss! So yeah we continued kissing and stuff and well you know ehem we just yeah and so yes that yeah" I told them mumbling the last part


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