Chapter eighteen

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leon: I'm now running for like an hour and just cant stop. HOW?? how could vilu do this to me? yesterday we were so strong together and today it's just over? she kisses Diego! Diego! fucking Diego..... I can't look at her anymore. she just broke my heart. I turn around and run to home! I need an axplanation.... I enter the house and walk upstairs. I knock on the door of vilu and open it but I see Diego. they're laying together on her bed?!?! I slam the door and walk to my room. I see a photo of me and vilu in the beginning and I feel tears coming up. I whisper to myself "what happened to me? first I never cried and couldn't give a fuck about anyone and now I'm here crying about a girl who is breaking my heart. she just ripped it out of me and tore it apart today" I rip the photo in two pieces and let it fall on the ground. I lett myself fall on the bed and put the pillow over my head. I shout as hard as I can in the pillow..... I hear a knock on the door and look up. I see Olga enter my room

olga: "hey are you alright?"

leon: "Yeah, just had a bad day"

olga: "ah okey, but ehm are you coming with me dinner is ready"

leon: shit "ehh yeah of course" I walk downstairs with Olga and see Vilu and Diego sitting there......fuck my life. I take a seat next to angie and on the opposite of vilu. I see she has been crying but that isn't any of my buisness anymore.....

german: "okay what happened here?? Leon what have you done to my girl??"

leon: "I have no idea! vilu what have I done to you?" I have a really serious and mad look on my face

diego: "hey! don't talk to her like that"

german: "calm down!! both of you! vilu what happened"

vilu: I feel Diego poking in my side "ehm leon and I broke up and Diego is here to help me"

germand: "okay that's nice of Diego but why did you and Leon broke up?"

vilu: "because I ehm" I feel Diego poking me in my side again "he cheated on me" and I look down. I can't look Leon in the eyes right now

leon: "what?" I feel all the power in my body disappear"

german: "WHAT?!?! Leon leave my house NOW!!!"

Leon: "sure!" I walk upstairs and put all my stuff in my bag. I'm already done in 2 minutes, I walk downstairs and walk to the frontdoor.

german: "and don't you ever dare to come back here! I will talk to your parents and where you're staying tonight isn't my problem!"

leon: "alright I understand.....well ehm goodbye I think" I open the front door and see fede walking to home

fede: "hey! what is happening? you're leaving?"

leon: "yeah....ask german for an explanation"

fede: "what??"

leon: I walk away "bye!"

fede: "huh what? bye"

leon: I walk to the park and put a blanket on a bench and lay on it.....I have no idea where to go. I'm cold and miss the warm body of vilu next to me.....I miss vilu


vilu: I write in my diary;
I feel misserable. I lost Leon today and lied to him, to my dad, to everyone. I said he cheated on me and now he had to leave the house and is sleeping somehwere I don't know. I miss him, I miss his smile, his beautiful eyes. It's all Diego's fault...and Thomas. I HATE them and I love Leon but this was the best thing I could do.

*next day*

vilu: I enter the studio and see Diego walking immeditaly to me

diego: "hey honey" and I give her a kiss

vilu: Uhg it feels like frog who is kissing me "yeah let's go to class" we walk to Pablo and take our seats. I don't see Leon and the class is already started.

Leon: I wake up and feel disgusting....I wear the same clothes I wore yesterday and this night. I haven't brushed my teeth and my hair looks like shit. I'm so tired...I haven't slept this night because my back and neck hurted so much. I have no idea how late it is because my phone is dead.... I walk to the studio and see everyone is already in their class. "shit" I rush to Pablo's class and everyone watches me when I enter

pablo: "wow what happened to you?"

leon: "ehh long story...I'm sorry" I take a chair and sit next to fede. I see vilu looking really worried to me but I don't care.

vilu: wow Leon enters the class and he really looks like shit. his eyes are red from crying and he looks really tired. he's wearing the same clothes as yesterday....when he sits down I see he has a painfull back. what happened to him?? I want to cuddle him so bad and tell him everything but I can't


vilu: the class is over and I need to talk to Leon. I walk to him and pull him back by his arm

leon: "aw! that hurts!"

vilu: "sorry I didn't know you were so sensitive"

leon: "well I slept this night in the park so yeah my back hurts allot! a bench in the park isn't that great as a bed" and I walk away because I see Diego looking really mad and he's walking up to vilu

vilu: "ow I'm sorry" but he already left. I feel an arm on my shoulder and see Diego

diego: "don't apologize to him. he isn't worth it"

vilu: uhg I HATE HIM! "sure"

diego: "come give me a kiss"

vilu: "no..." I walk away and try to find Leon but when I walk up to him he leaves... "LEON!"

leon: I see vilu coming my way and I leave immediately. I hear her calling my name "GO TO YOUR BOYFRIEND!" fucking Diego....

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