Chapter twenty

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*next day*

Leon: I woke up in the park again and even feel more worse than yesterday. I walk to the studio because I don't want to be late again. When I enter the studio I see I'm almost the first one. I go to the toilets and brush my teeth. I put some gel in my hair because I finally have a mirror now. I change my blouse and wash myself with a wet shirt and dry myself with another shirt. I feel much better now. I leave the toilets and walk to my locker. I put my bag in it and see Vilu. She stares at me....she's probably wondering how I became clean. She walks up to me and I decide to stay "hey"

Vilu: "hey ehm I see you had somewhere to sleep last night"

Leon:  "ehh yeah in the park again....but I cleaned myself up in the toilets"

Vilu: I smile at the idea of Leon fixing himself in the toilets but I feel the arm of Diego already around me so my smile disappears immediately

Leon: oh yeah...Diego "I have to go" I walk really fast away so Vilu can't talk to me anymore

Diego: "hey what is this?? This wasn't our deal"

Vilu: "yeah I'm sorry" I look to the ground and walk after Diego

*time skip*

Leon: in the pause I try to find Vilu but when I walk up to her she walks away...I thought we just could talk like this morning but without Diego. I still can't believe why Vilu broke up with me. Actually I don't even know why. She is saying I cheated on her but I never did and I would never ever ever do that to Vilu. I want to talk to her...tell her I love her and I can't forget her and that we should start again. I'm searching for Vilu and this time she won't walk away. Suddenly I hear her voice and the song we both dreamed. I follow the sound and I hear it's coming out of Angie's class. I walk in to the class and want to sing with her but I see Diego "what?" she's singing OUR song with Diego?? "this is ehm this is our song?" I feel tears coming up  "I thought it was you know but apparently not...." I walk away, grab all my stuff from my locker and say goodbye to Fede and the other boys. Before they can even start asking questions I'm already left. I go to a café and use there a phone to call my mom. I tell her I'm coming back to Mexico. After some minutes I go to a Library and use a computer to print my ticket. I'm flying tomorrow morning to Mexico...I don't want to stay here any longer. I take a cab and leave to the airport to stay there the night.


Vilu: I feel terrible I'm singing the song of me and Leon with Diego. How could Diego do this to me? He knows how much Leon means for me and this song. He apparently does everything to break Leon and me. I'm singing while I only look at the ground. I hear some footsteps behind me but I'm too scared to look. I hear Leon talking to us but I don't dare to look. After some seconds I hear him leave. I watch through the windows and see he's grabbing all his stuff and saying bye to the boys "huh?"

Diego: "good job Vilu, you just broke his heart

Vilu: tears are coming up in my eyes "I ehh I go"

Diego: "no! you stay here!"

Vilu: he grabs me and pushes me to the wall

Diego: "you stay with me! You understand??!"

Vilu: "yeah yeah I'm sorry" I walk after Diego to his locker

*time skip*

Leon: I take a seat in a big hall with allot of chairs and benches. I grab a paper and a pen and write a letter for Vilu...a kind of goodbye


Fran: "okay Cami!"

Cami: "yeah?"

Fran: "you're ready for our mission??"

Cami: "yes! Totally!" We go to the house of vilu and hope she isn't there. Olga opens the door

Olga: "oh hey girls! I'm sorry Vilu isn't home yet"

Fran: "oh okay ehh is it okay if we wait in her room for her?"

Olga: "yeah of course! Come in come in!"

Fran: we walk into her house and walk immediately up to her room. I whisper "okay Cami, find something that can explain what happened"

Cami: "yeah but Fran...isn't it bad that we're searching through Vilu her stuff??"

Fran: "yes but it is for something good"

Cami: "okay you're right"


Vilu: I walk home.....with Diego because he absolutely wanted it. I hate my life. I miss Leon and I'm stuck up with Diego. We enter my house and I open the door.

Olga: "hey honey! Oh hey ehem Diego. Eh Vilu you're friends are upstair"

Vilu: yes! I run upstairs and hope Diego will leave but he follows me. I enter my room and see Cami and Fran who are sitting really weird on my bed but I don't care. I jump on them "heeey I've missed you girls!"

Cami: "haha we have seen each other yesterday!"

Vilu: "yeah but everything seems so long" I hear footsteps coming closer

Diego: "hey girls!"

Fran: "oh hey" I try to say it as happy I can

Cami: "oh well ehm I think we should go.."

Vilu: "no no oh" I hear Diego talking really loud in my ear
Diego: "yeah great Idea"

Fran: "ehm okay..bye!"

Vilu: "bye girls I love you" and I hug them

Cami: "bye sweetie" and we leave the house


Leon: I'm done with the letter for vilu but I already decided I'm not going to give it to her...I have to let her go. She wanted me to leave her alone and I don't want her to get in any more problems. I search for a bench who look comfortable and put my blanket on it and try to sleep.

*next morning*

Leon: I wake up and hear a girl's voice

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