Chapter twenty-eight

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Vilu: I woke up and felt an warm and strong body next/under me. I looked up and saw Leon. He's so cute when he sleeps! My head is still on his chest and I feel he doesn't wears a shirt!! I look down and see ooh yeah...he's so hot without a shirt! Suddenly I feel his head moving a bit and he gives me a kiss on my head

Leon: "good morning beautiful"

Vilu: "good morning handsome" I look up and give him a kiss on the lips. I look around and see broadway on the couch and cami on her mattress, Ludmi and frederico are also sleeping together on one mattress. "Leon?!?!"

Leon: "calm down! What?"

Vilu: "do you want to run with me?!" I sit suddenly straight up and look at Leon

Leon: "but it's early"

Vilu: I got up and pull him at his arm "pleeeeaaaaase love?"

Leon: "alright!"

Vilu: we walk upstairs and get dressed. I put on a legging and a tense shirt {mediaaa}. I put my hair in a bunny and walk to Leon's room but we already meet each other in the hall "you're ready?"

Leon: "uhg only because you want in my love" I see her smiling and she takes me outside. We start running through the park and actually it's really nice!

Vilu: "the park is beautiful isn't it?"

Leon: "absolutely! So peaceful, you only hear some birds and the fountain" we walk through for some minutes and I want to ask something to Vilu but I'm afraid she doesn't want to come with me......"love?"

Vilu: "yes?"

Leon: "ehm I ehh I really miss my parents and you know next week we have vacation so I was wondering if you maybe want to come with me for a few days to Mexico??"

Vilu: "yes!! I would love to!" I stop running and give Leon a hug "I finally can see where you have grown up"

Leon: "thanks beautiful!"

Vilu: "for what?"

Leon: "For coming with me and it really makes me happy to see you smiling my love" I put my hands on her waist and she has her hands in my neck. We start kissing and it changes really quick in tonguing. But we hear some footsteps coming closer so we both pull away and I turn around with one arm still round Vilu

??: "hey love birds!"

Leon: I see Ludmi and frederico also in their sportswear walking up to us "haha hello love birds"

Vilu: "are you guys also hungry?"

Everyone else: "yeah!"

Vilu: "WHO'S FIRST AT HOME HAS NOT TO HELP WITH THE BREAKFAST!!!" I yell why I already run away but I hear also some fast footsteps behind me coming closer so I start to run really hard now! I already see my house and I'm almost there but someone grabs me from behind and takes me with him "WHAAAAA" I look up and see Leon with a big smile! He puts me on the ground in front of the house and he wants to enter the house as first but I pull him back at his arm and kiss him. In less than one second I already pull away and enter the house AS FIRST "Touchdoooown!!!!" I see Leon, frederico and Ludmi enter the house

Leon: "that was really mean!"

Vilu: "Ahw my little boy!" And I go with my hand through his hair. We walk into the kitchen but the breakfast is already done "huh?" Cami and broadway walk into the kitchen

Cami: "good morning!!

Leon: "well this is absolutely a good morning!" I say with a huge smile on my face and I see the smile of Vilu slowly disappear

Broadway: "okay well you can grab what you want to eat!"

Leon: I walk to Vilu and put my arms around her form behind and whisper "what do you want to eat my love? I've made it all just in one second hahaha"

Vilu: grr "ha ha well I really want to taste something what you made but nothing here is from you so I think I have only one option" I turn around and kiss him passionately. After some minutes we pull away and look each other some seconds in the eyes "You taste really good my love but I'm really hungry soo bye!" I turn around grab some food and walk to the garden with my plate. After some seconds Leon also comes outside and we sit with everybody at the picnic table

*5 days later so it's now Friday already* they have vacation and about two days Leon and Vilu will leave to Mexico for 4 days but first they have an party at Ludmi to celebrate they have vacation*


Leon: I walk to Vilu her room "what's wrong love?!"


Leon: "hahaha Ahw my girl!" I walk to Vilu who is standing in front of her closet. I grab a dress "this one?"

Vilu: "NO! iehw leon!"

Leon: "oh sorry haha I will leave you alone"

Vilu: "yeah you should go dressed also!"

Leon: "but this is for the party..."

Vilu: "noo please put something else on!"

Leon: "uhg alright" I walk to my own room again "we leave about an hour!!!"

Vilu: "YEAAAH!"

*hour later*

Leon: I'm waiting downstairs for Vilu to come but she's still in her room "loveee?!?"

Vilu: "IM COMING!" I just found the perfect outfit but it cost me 40 minutes so I had to do my hair and makeup quick. I only had a bit mascara and light lipstick. I curled my hair and put on my heels. I walked downstairs and saw Leon on his phone. When he heard me he looked up and just watched me with an open mouth

Leon: "y yo you l-lo-look"

Vilu: I walked up to him and smiled, he's so cute if he stutters!

Leon: "stunning! You look stunning!" I put my arm around her and walked with her to the door

Vilu: "thank you my love" I give him a kiss on the cheek "BYEEE DAD!"

German: "bye kids! Be careful! And Leon if something happens to Vilu it's your!"

Vilu: I cut him off "BYE DAD! Love u" we went outside and walked to Ludmi her place. We heard the music already from outside! We knocked on the door and Ludmi opened

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