Chapter twenty-seven

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Vilu: we stood there freezed and hear footsteps behind us. We turned around and saw the two black dressed people running to us. Before we even could run we got pushed into the water.

We all: "AAAAAAAAAAHHW!!!!!"

Vilu: we fell into the water right on the body in the red stain around him. When we got up with our heads above the water and the body suddenly started to move....... "AAAAAAAHWW!!!!" We tried to swim away but the figure came after us well after me actually.....the other two figures also jumped into the water. One in front of Ludmi and the other of cami. They ran out of the pool with the figures running after them. I tried also to get out but the figure grabbed me and turned me around pulled me really close "LET ME GOOO!!!!! AAAAAAAAHWW!!!!!!" I started to cry and immediately he took of his forage cap and I saw "LEON?!?!!?!?" I was happy to see him but also really really mad on him "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!" I got myself away from him and got out of the pool "YOU....!" But I couldnt even finis my sentence. I ran to the girls who were still running through the garden "GIRLS!!! STOP!!" I caught them and hold them close because they tried to run away

Cami: "Vilu! What happened?! Are you alright?! We have to RUUUUN!!"

Vilu: "STOP!! It was Leon, probably are the other two fede and broadway"

Cami/Ludmi: "WHAT THE!?!"

Vilu: I saw Leon walking to the other figures. Also they took of their forage caps and yeah it were fede and broadway. I grabbed the girls their arms and pulled them with me inside. We went upstairs, grabbed dry clothes and left to the bathroom. I saw the boys also coming upstairs but I smashed and closed the bathroom door before they reached us.

Leon: "GIRLS! We're really sorry!!"

Vilu: UHG we ignored them and put on the showers and started to sing so we couldn't hear them anymore "stupid boys"

Ludmi: "I was fucking shitting my pants!"

Cami: "yeah it wasn't funny anymore!"

Vilu: "exactly and that knife and body in the pool really went too far!"

Ludmi: "yes but hey after all it was actually a little bit funny...the idea was funny but they just went too far"

Cami: "hm well maybe you're right...besides Vilu when you started crying Leon stopped immediately"

Vilu: "hm I don't know, leon is just stupid!" we washed our hair and turned off the showers. We pulled on some other pyjamas and went to my room. We brushed each other's hair and did our nails. We were totally clean and warm again, we went downstairs and saw that everything was cleaned! Even our beds (mattresses) lay straight "wow" we entered the living room the boys came out of the kitchen and walked up to us....I wanted to walk away but Ludmi grabbed my arm

Fede: "ehm girls we just wanted to say that we're really sorry and it was meant to be a joke but we think it went a biiiit to far"

Vilu: "a bit?"

Broadway: "maybe a little bit more..."

Vilu: hm...they look really sorry, Leon walks up to me

Leon: "Vilu..."

Vilu: Ahw he looks really sad, he's so cute! I walk up to him and he put his arms around me and pulls me close. He leans his forehead to mine

Leon: "I'm really sorry beautiful"

Vilu: I put my arms around his neck "yeah I know and it's alright, I was kinda happy to see you under that forage cap, but when you stood there holding me really close without me knowing who you were....I was afraid you know, afraid you were Thomas or Diego" I give him a kiss on his nose

Leon: oh fuck! Of course! I'm soo stupid!! "I'm so so sorry, I just didn't think of that...."

Vilu: "well that's good, I also try to just forget them but at that moment I just saw them in front of me..."

Leon: "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm really sorry beautiful... I love you very very much"

Vilu: I love it when he calls me beautiful "I love you to" we kisses and pulled away after some seconds. We look next to us and see the others also kissing..."aahw" they stop immediately and Ludmi and cami blush

Leon: "ehm do you girls want us to leave? So you can continue your girls night?"

Ludmi: "well actually, I feel saver with you with us"

Vilu: "me to!" And I pull Leon close to me, he feels so warm and save

Cami: "let's watch a movie!!"


Vilu: "YES!" Ludmi and I run to the television and search for the best movie

Broadway: "nooo! An horror movie!"

Cami: "no thank you! We already had TWO this evening and one was really true to life!"

Fede: "hm alright"

Vilu: "Leooooon?!"

Leon: "yes beautiful?"

Vilu: "would you pleeeease grab some food and drinks???"

Leon: "only because I love you" I walk to the kitchen with fede and grab some food and drinks. After some minutes we enter the living room again and the girls and broadway just changed it into a whole home cinema! "WoW"

Vilu: "Nice ha?"

Fede: "yeah!" Leon and I sit next to our girls and Vilu starts the movie.....UHG it's a really boring romantic and corny movie....after an hour it look like the girls are sleeping "what?' We're watching this for them....."

Leon: "UHG.... Well let bring them to bed" we put theirs mattresses right and I took Vilu in bridal style to her mattress. I laid her down under her blanket and gave her an kiss on the forehead "goodnight beautiful"
We got back to the television and started gaming. After some hours broadway felt asleep and fede went next to Ludmi. I turned off everything, put on my sweatpants and put off my shirt. I lifted Vilu her blanket and got under it. I put arm around her waist and fell asleep immediately with my love next to me

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