Chapter 5

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Carlos' POV

The meeting room is my least favorite room in the entire house. I've always felt like decisions should be made by the boss and the underboss, but my father is a firm believer of including the entire family, something about promoting unity and less people will be upset if they have a say in what happens. I'm not sure if I'll keep doing the whole meeting thing when I take over.

Being second in command I sat near the head of the table to my fathers right.

My father stood effectively silencing all the capos who were talking quietly among themselves.

"Let me first thank you all for taking the time out of your days to meet," my father spoke in a slow almost agitated voice and didn't dare to smile, "we are here to make an important decision on what to do with the traitor, Tyler Kennedy Strand."

The room exploded with noise at hearing TK's name being brought up. My father just sat back down. He always said to give the group a chance to be passionate. I find it unnecessary.

"That boy is an absolute menace!" One of the older capos spat.

"Don't be so quick to judge!" A younger capo shouted back.

There were now several people yelling at the young lady defending TK some people yelled at people for yelling at her, and some stayed completely silent.

Yeah I'm totally getting rid of these meetings when I become Don.

My father stood (again), signaling to everyone that they no longer had permission speak.

"The final decision obviously is mine but I am open to suggestions." My father spoke calmly.

The elder man from before raised his hand.

My father signaled for him to start speaking.

"Well Mr.Reyes, I believe we should take care of this Traitor the same way we always have. Put 'em 6 feet under where he belongs." The greying man said.

I toyed with my watch trying to block everyone cheering out.

"Absolutely not!" The same young lady who defended TK shouted while jumping from her chair.

My father sent a glare her way.

She looked surprised with herself for a moment before quietly apologizing and trying to sit back down.

My father held up a hand. "No, Simone carry on." He muttered.

The women, Simone looked nervous but stood tall as everyone started her down.

"Well, I just don't think it's necessary to kill TK. No one has even asked him why he rated us out yet!"

I saw my father nod out of the corner of my eye.

"I believe that we should try to integrate traitors back into our way of life instead of killing then off." Simone continued.

"Interesting opinion Ms. Davis." My father said with a fond smile on his face. "I'm especially fond of the lack of murder it's just so much with the body dumping and the cops."

Everyone in the room chuckled or giggled. I though instead envisioned someone dumping a limp, bloodstained TK. I shivered at the thought before pushing it away.

"May I ask Ms. Davis how do you exactly intend on reintegrating TK back into our 'lifestyle'?" I couldn't stop myself from asking Simone.

Simone looked nervous before pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and took a quick breath.

"Well, it really is just a theory at his point in time," she stood from her sitting position regaining everyones attention, "but, does anyone remember when you were a kid a you did something wrong your parents would spank you?" Simone said loudly.

Uh, does she want us to spank him? Cause that's not physiology, that's just weird.

There were muttered yeses and confused nods all around the room.

"Well I predict that if we can induce that same kind of trauma while also repeating what you want for this person to believe. They will retain this information better because they relate it with such strong emotional turmoil or physical pain." Simone smiled proudly at everyone once she'd finished sharing her theory.

I was shocked looking at all the people nodding in agreement or chattering excitedly to the person beside them.

I looked towards my father to see him too smiling at Simone's theory.

Am I really the only one not to keen on the idea of TK being traumatized purposely.

"Thank you Ms. Davis, that is a brilliant theory and I can't wait to help you in testing it." My father said smiling towards the young woman.

I'm pretty sure this theory exists and was proven to be true, seriously have these people never seen a movie.

I obviously had no say in any of this and it was decided that Simone's theory would be tested on poor TK.

My father stood from his chair. "Good day everyone." He said which let everyone know that we were done talking for the day.

Everyone rushed out of the room in a hurry, ready top return to their jobs.

I personally was having a bit of trouble comprehending all that had happened.

They want to traumatize TK, on purpose. Isn't that like brain washing? Conditioning?

I don't know.

At least they aren't going to kill him so that's good. I'm not able to get him out of this my fathers word is final.

I'll just have to check on him from time to time.

To see if Simone's theory is right of course.

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