Chapter 7

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Carlos' POV

I chose to visit TK earlier than I usually do today.

As I walked down the wooden stairs to the holding cells I could hear voices echoing. I sped up my pace when I heard a loud slap echo against the concrete walls.

The sight I was met with at the bottom of the stairs was TK, my TK, kneeling on the floor clutching the side of his face with 3 soldiers standing over him pointing and laughing.

I felt a burning rage inside my chest, how dare these soldiers beat my TK then laugh at him.

"Hey!" The soldiers all jumped when they heard me. I saw TK look up at me still clutching his cheek.

"Hi Mr. Reyes." One of soldiers said nervously.

"What the hell are you 3 doing?" I asked.

"Well it's our turn to discipline the traitor." One of the soldiers said with a smug look on his face.

"Well that's enough all 3 of you get out of here!"

One of the soldiers looked particularly upset.

"We're not finished with him." The soldier muttered.

"Well I say you are done, get out of here!" I grabbed the soldiers upper arm and dragged him towards the stairs.

All the soldiers scurried up the stairs quickly.

Once I turned from the stairs to my darling TK all the rage within me turned to sadness.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I made my way towards him.

"I'm fine don't worry about me." He sounded exhausted.

"How could I not worry about you." I combed my fingers through his hair.

He leaned away from my hand in his hair.

"Stop doing that." He said sounding all pouty.

I kissed his forehead. "Stop doing what?"

"All of this. You're gonna get yourself in trouble. I'm sure your dad doesn't want you taking care of me."

"I don't care about my dad. I want to take care of you. I feel awful about all of this."

TK sighed and I saw him drop his head.

I moved to sit next to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I'm just tired Carlos. I've been locked down here for weeks and all I do is sit here and stare at the wall all day."

I pulled TK closer to my chest, "I'm sorry, it can't be easy."

"I wouldn't have even gone undercover if I knew this could happen."

"It's gonna be ok TK. I'm sure it'll all work out cariño."

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