Chapter 9

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Carlos' POV

I walked down the wooden stairs the same way I did yesterday and the day before, but today was different.

Today I had an unfamiliar weight in my right pocket.

A ring, in a small velvet box.

When I stepped off the last step I was met with the sight of TK still bruised from the other day but not freshly beaten. I had made sure of that when talking to my parents yesterday.

"You can go now." I ordered the soldier standing next to the wall to keep and eye on TK.

TK looked up at me in confusion while the man left quickly and without a word.

After hearing the door upstairs close I took a seat on the ground next to TK.

"Hey." He said to me with an unsure look on his face.

"Why did you send that guy away?" He asked, "I'm sure your parents would hate you being alone with me."

I smiled at him. I reached my hand out to caress the bruise that's faded into a muted purple under his left eye.

He shuttered slightly at the touch.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him, moving my hand from his face to his hand.

"I'm fine." He spoke quietly.

I squeezed his hand in what I hoped was comforting.

"Are you sure? Nothing hurts?" I asked once more.

He nodded.

I took a breath, I thought I would find the words when I was in front of him but I was struggling.

"Why did no one hit me today?" TK asked with his head down, his eyes not lifting from the concrete ground.

"My father ordered them to stop." I told him.

"Oh," he spoke quietly,"are they going to kill me?" TK asked quietly.

"No." I said quickly with surprise.

"Why would you think that?" I asked him while leaning down to try to get a look at his face.

He looked up and his eyes met mine.

"Why else would they suddenly stop punishing me?" He looked me in the eyes as he spoke.

I breathed deeply while looking into his beautiful eyes.

I reached my hand into my pocket and pulled the small box out slowly. Once out of my pocket I opened it quickly so TK could get a look at the ring.

"They were ordered to stop punishing you because I want to ask you to marry me." I told him sincerely.

TK's eyes went big and looked back and forth between me and the ring.

"TK, will you marry me?" I asked hopefully.

TK took a couple deep breaths, "Do I have a choice?" He asks still staring in shock at the ring.

"Of course you have a choice, but I wanna tell you that this is my way of giving you back some freedom." I told him, reaching out to take his hand in mine.

"What do you mean?" He asked a hopeful expression crossing his face.

"Well the husband of the future Don is not kept locked up in a basement." I said to him trying not to show my nerves at the fact that TK still hadn't answered my question.

TK looked lost in thought for some time before his eyes met mine and he spoke plainly, "Yes, I'll marry you."

I felt a weight lift itself off my chest at hearing TK agree to become my husband, I quickly put the ring on his left hand and put the box aside. I couldn't stand not having him in my arms any longer so I wrapped him in my embrace and buried my face in his messy hair.

He didn't hug me back, but I couldn't force myself to be hurt by it.

Once I pulled away from him he looked at me expectantly.

"So, what now?" He asked.


I held TK's hand and led him to the empty room he'd be staying in for the time being.

I pushed the door open and walked inside with him before letting go of his hand, he'd stayed silent for nearly our entire walk.

"The room has been stocked with anything you could need," I told him while gesturing about the large room with a bed in the middle, "you'll stay here on your own until we're married." I couldn't help but smile thinking about TK and I's marriage.

He simply nodded before taking a seat on the bed.

I hated to leave but I wanted to give TK some privacy to get accustomed to the room or clean up so I excused myself before leaving him.

I couldn't wait to be married and have him in the same room as me.


Carlos left me alone in this room. He made sure to tell me I would have everything I needed before he left.

Sitting on the bed felt weird after spending the past couple weeks on the ground.

Being still felt weird so I got up from the bed and started looking around the room.

I had my phone and all other possessions taken and most likely destroyed after I was caught.

I had to find a way to tell someone what had happened.

I started rummaging through drawers finding nothing.

I checked the en-suite bathroom and the closet, I looked under the bed, and lifted the mattress looking for anything I could use to contact my boss.

After awhile of searching and finding nothing useful, I moved a pile of clothes only to have my fingers brush against something cold.


I lifted it up from the bottom of the drawer only to find that it was a laptop.

I couldn't believe it.

How could they have left a known traitor with a laptop.

I opened it and was easily able to contact a coworker through instagram, I sent her a DM and then removed the search history and put the laptop back where I had found it.

I couldn't do anything other than hope. Hope that she would check her DM's and tell everyone what's happened, before these people decided to stop being generous and turn their guns on me.

Hi everyone. Thanks for reading make sure you drink water and eat something if you haven't already today. Goodbye and I love you all. ❤️❤️❤️

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