Chapter 10

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"Alright TK you're going to sign right here." Gabriel spoke while pointing do a dotted line right next to the one Carlos had already signed.

I glanced towards Carlos who was looking back at me with a smile. Then I turned towards the paper and signed my name.

"Okay, that's that. As soon as we send in these papers you'll be legally married." Gabriel said as he reached across the table to collect the papers and slip them into a manila envelope.

I looked around the room, noticing the light dust on the bookshelf. I turned to my left and made eye contact with Carlos who was smiling at me wide.

I also noticed that he was much closer than he was a couple moments ago. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Before I could process what was happening Carlos leaned close to me and kissed me once, quickly, on the lips.

It was barely anything, you could barely even call it a kiss. No it wasn't a kiss, it was a peck at best, and it felt oddly warm. His lips were soft, I don't think anyone would expect a mafiaoso's lips to be soft.

When he pulled away he was still smiling, he smiled so wide and genuine, his smile reached his eyes and it was almost like they were sparkling.

Looking into those eyes I felt my lips curl up slightly, and I smiled back.

Carlos walked behind his fathers desk and whispered something to Gabriel. I couldn't hear what he was saying but he was done talking fairly quickly. He walked back around his desk and rested his hand on my back.

"We'll see you soon dad!" Carlos called to Gabriel as he lead me out the office doors.

We continued walking down the long hallway that leads to Gabriel's office for awhile until I felt the need to ask Carlos where we were going.


"Yes." He smiled, again.

"Where are we going?" I asked Carlos straightforward.

He chuckled to himself.

"Sorry, I should've told you," Carlos looked over at me before continuing, "we're newlyweds TK, we don't have the time to go on a honeymoon but I can at least take you out to dinner."

"Oh." I hadn't been expecting something so normal. Almost like a date.

"Do you have anywhere in particular you want to go?" Carlos asked me.

I felt his arm move from being lazily draped on my back to being wrapped firmly around my waste.

"No I'll eat wherever you want Carlos." I told him while trying to ignore the feeling of his arm resting above my hip.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Yes, Carlos, I'm sure." I told him once more.

The drive to the restaurant was short, under 20 minutes and a decent distance from the house. I took note of the fact that Carlos parked in the back of the restaurant. I considered this to be strange but I suppose members of the mafia can be spotted anywhere.

Carlos stepped out of the car and before I could let myself out of the passenger side he had ran around the front of the car and opened my door for me. He reached his hand out to silently offer to help me from the car.

I took his hand then silently climbed out of the car and allowed him to close the door behind me.

He kept his hand in mine as he led the way to the back door of the restaurant.

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