Chapter 6 : Signing

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"You can't do this Allison, I'm not going to let you ruin your life," Tony said, as he was getting ready to leave for the signing.

"Clearly you have issues making anyone do what they don't want to," Alli said, sitting on the couch.

"You're going with Nat, and you can make your final decision there," Tony said, and Alli reluctantly got up. Tony smiled at her as they walked together to the Jet. Press was swarming the street outside the large building in Vienna. Alli had found Nat not too far inside, and walked up to her, sitting down beside her.

"Are you sure you're making the right decision?" Alli asked.

"I could ask you same thing," Nat replied, and most of the ride was spent in silence. Alli spent the entire ride, contemplating. Finally they landed, going inside to meet all the diplomats from the several different countries.

"Let's begin," Someone shouted, and Nat went to go take her seat. Alli looked at her, confused as to where she was supposed to go now.

"Up there, stand with him. That is the Prince of Wakanda, T'Challa," Nat said, pointing up at him. Alli trudged up the stairs, joining him on the balcony to oversee the counsel, taking the spot next to him. He noticed her presence, turning to her.

"Young Stark is it?" He asked.

"Yes sir, Allison," She said introducing herself.

"Prince T'Challa, but let's keep it informal for this, and just call me T'Challa," He spoke in a very regal manner.

"You're father is representing your country?" She asked, seeing he had taken the podium.

"Yes, I am more here to learn the trade arts and observe," T'Challa explained.

"I'm here cause my father wants me to sign the accords," Alli said, and T'Challa looked down at her.

"You have not signed it?" He asked.

"Something doesn't feel right about it," She said, and he merely nodded.

"It is one thing to give up your freedom under your own terms, it is another to be forced into it," He said, looking back down at the meeting. There was something going on down on the streets, and they both saw it at the same time. Something was happening with a news van as numerous men got out, realizing it at the same time, T'Challa went running towards his dad.

"Everybody get down," He shouted as the explosion went off, sending members of the meeting flying. 

Alli tried as best she could to control the explosion, but she was caught off guard, flying through the air and hitting a wall behind her. She went crashing to the ground, getting up on her feet again, and rushing to help people. She ran to Nat, making sure she was okay, and then looking to see T'Challa holding his father.

Once the scene settled down, they were all escorted out of the building, Nat holding onto Alli as they walked down to the ground. Paramedics roamed around, tending to those that were hurt. Alli leaned up against a tree, trying as best she could to put out the fire. Nat was talking with T'Challa when he walked away. He bumped into her as she was bringing water from a nearby lake to put out the fire.

"What is that you are doing?" He asked, seeing her hands moving all over.

"Trying to put out the fire," She said, and looked over seeing the blood all over him.

"Are you alright?" She asked, water sprinkling down as she lost concentration.

"I will be, once my father is avenged," He said, walking away from the scene. Nat was on the phone, and hung up just before Alli got to her.

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