Chapter 33 : Crash Landing

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Alli had taken a seat as Tony and Strange were trying to figure out what they were going to do. She had her back against a pole, and was close to the window, looking out into the never-ending vast space in front of her. It was beautiful, and she was rather enjoying looking at the cosmos right in front of her eyes, but something about the trip wasn't peaceful. She had a feeling they were on a ride to the end, and there was nothing they could do about it. Her thoughts were interrupted when Tony called for her.

"Alli, would you care to help us?" He asked, in the most sarcastic way ever. She got up, rolled her eyes, and walked over to Tony.

"What is it, sir?" She said, dripping with attitude.

"How about helping us land this on that," He said, pointing behind her. She was ready to argue that there was nothing to land on when she turned and saw a large red planet behind her.

"That wasn't there a second ago," She said, running around the control, and standing next to Peter.

"Alright, maybe try," Tony was instructing as he grabbed a hold of the steering. 

Alli did the same as they put their hands in the slot, closing the machine around it. Peter looked at her, worry written across his face. She nodded towards him, telling him she was fine, and that she had this under control. He nodded, going to stand over by Strange. They were heading for a large structure, and Peter started yelling at them to turn, but Alli and Tony couldn't move it fast enough, and they crashed onto the surface. Strange put up some shields, but Alli was jolted out of her place, flying across the room.

The dust settled, and she could see Tony helping Strange up as Peter hung down from the ceiling. Tony was scolding Peter as Alli saw something roll over to them. She saw Tony looking around for her, but it was already too late. The ball blew up, sending them all in different directions. Alli ducked behind a large piece of wrecked ship, staying out of sight, as she heard people enter their aircraft. They all started fighting, but something about them was familiar to Alli.

Before she could do anything, everybody was pointing some sort of weapon at each other. The only human in that group had Peter by the throat. Alli saw this, getting upset, and ready to launch out and attack him. But then she heard a very interesting comment.

"I'm going to ask you this one time, where is Gamora?" He asked, pointing his blaster towards Tony.

"Yeah, I'll do you one better, who's Gamora?" Tony asked, taking off his helmet. The blue on the ground made a noise, catching Alli's attention.

"I'll do you one better, why is Gamora?" He asked, and they all looked around puzzled. Then it hit Alli, these were the people from her vision early. And knew exactly who the human was. She jumped out from where she was hiding, landing in the middle of their attack circle.

"Alli no," Tony started, but she shut him up. She turned towards the human, looking directly in the face, not blinking at all.

"You're Quill, and Thanos took the green lady from you," She said, remembering what she had seen earlier. Quill's face scrunched up in anger, and she could tell that she was right. He threw Peter to the side, lunging forward, and grabbing Alli, putting her in the headlock that Peter was just in, now facing his blaster towards Peter, who was on the ground.

"Tell me where she is or this girl never sees the light of day again," Quill said, pushing his blaster to Alli's temple. Peter started getting up, and Tony started getting frazzled.

"Do it, you do that, and I blast this guy into tomorrow," He said, motioning to the guy on the ground.

"Do it, Quill, I can take it," The blue guy said, which got some protests from the bug-looking lady that was tied in Peter's webs.

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