Chapter 25

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We make our way through the woods behind Ashley's house. It's hard to remember the exact way through. It takes a half hour longer to get over than the first time, because we get lost.
We finally enter the new world.
I smile as I look around. Everything is in it's place. The stream, trees, acres of beautiful grass. And the sign and house.
By now, we know there is nowhere else Gary Cripson could live. He lives here.
"How can such a cruel person own such a beautiful place?" I ask them. "We still have to check if we have the right address," Julia says.
We don't stop to look at anything as we walk over to the house. When we're standing right in front of it, I only stop to read the sign again.
I shudder. I wouldn't be surprised if he did shoot somebody. But he can't just put up signs like that. Doesn't he need permission to say or do that?
Now, I stand directly in front of the house. Like Igor's, it's a heap of crap. "This is him," Ashley says. The silver numbers by the door say 47753 Nott Street.
Without warning, the garage door starts to open. We run over and flop into some bushes nearby. I expect to see Cripson walk out, but instead I see Gingee. I almost gag when he makes his muscles pop out and kisses his arms. I see Julia start snickering behind me.
She stops though. Cripson has just come out of the house.
He's the ugliest person I've ever seen. And the biggest. He has two belts on to keep his pants from coming down. They don't work! I take a look at his shirt and hat. He wears a plain white shirt with a brown stain down the middle. His cowboy hat matches his gigantic shoes perfectly.
He sniffs the air and pats Gingee on the back. He pulls a sweatband around his wrist. When he talks, I hear the familiar dark, raspy voice. "Come on, Nate. You're coming to the gym with me." "Ugh! Why can't I stay home?" Gingee complains. "BECAUSE I SAID SO," Cripson screams which shuts Gingee up.
They leave about 2 minutes later. When I'm positive the coast is clear, I come out from our hiding spot in the bushes. Ashley and Julia follow. "We need a plan. We're here. So how will we get the document?" Julia says. I lean against a tree. "Do we really need some sort of plan? We don't need to set anything up. I say we should go in through the back door and try to find it. Then we'll leave," I say. After a few seconds of thinking over what I just said, they nod. "It will probably be about an hour until they get back. So let's get this over with," Ashley says as I slide open the back door. I take my first step into Cripson's house.

Guess what? I reached my goal of 1k reads! Right now, I have 1.02k! I'm so excited and happy! Also, my book is on the "What's Hot" thing. Follow me! Vote and comment! Right now, I'm in the Smoky Mountains. I have a lot of time to update because so far it's rained nonstop😒 Hope you like everything so far! If anything is ever confusing, comment and tell me so I can change it. Thanks so much! Byyyeeeeee!😏✌️

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