sixty two

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"ah, crap! the tide!" Pope groaned once they had reached the middle seeing the water high.

"oh, this doesn't look good." John B said starting to slow down.

"how deep is that?" Kie asked.

"i dunno. the road's gone." John B stopped which caused everyone to move forward.

"tide rose faster than i thought it would." JJ said.

"just a little bit."

"uh, John B, how high are the spark plugs?" JJ asked seeing John B hesitate.

"they're good. we're fine." he nodded unsurely.

"how high are they?" Pope asked.

"oh, umm.." John B stuck his head out the window, "uh, just above the taillight."

"okay, so that's, what, three feet?" Pope asked.

"that's three feet. yeah." JJ nodded.

"i think we're fucked." Caroline whispered to Sarah who nodded.

"that water can't be three feet deep." Kiara said.

"so then what's the problem?" asked John B.

"not a problem. no, we're good. we're good. she'll make it." JJ held on tightly.

"yeah. fasten your seat belts. hold on to something. we're going into hyperdrive." John B instructed.

"i'm gonna say a quick prayer." JJ said doing his prayer.

"oh shit." Caroline sighed holding onto the seats tightly.

John B quickly hit the breaks but they didn't move until the twinkie started speeding, Caroline held closely to the seats shutting her eyes cussing loudly as the others yelled and as JJ assured John B that speed what his friend until the twinkie turned and everyone flew forward.

"ah! shit! oh!" Sarah yelled out holding her head.

"can i open my eyes now?" Caroline asked opening one eye, "did it anyways."

"no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." John B repeated.

"i think we miscalculated." Pope said, Sarah looked at him doing the 'just a little' hand gesture with her hand.

"i knew i should have driven." JJ said.

the six climbed down standing in the water trying to see how deep the twinkie was which was already pretty deep.

"okay, maybe we can walk from here." Pope suggested.

"what? and leave the Twinkie? the.. the tide's coming in." John B said not wanting to leave his car.

waves • jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now