sixty five

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"Pope, you okay?" Caroline rushed over to Pope again who stayed in a ball.

"yeah, i'm good. just give me, like, one second to, like, catch my breath." he said, Caroline rubbed his shoulder staying by his side.

"you did it, Pope." John B told him.

JJ and John B looked at the cross in front of them smiling at it, "Pope, she's.. she's beautiful." JJ said.

"i've never seen anything like it." Sarah said also looking at the cross.

"detail's insane." JJ continued.

"well, here's why Limbrey wanted that key so bad."

Pope slowly started getting up with Caroline's help, she sat him on the bench turning her head to the cross.

"woah. good find. how much do you think she's worth? like, if we melted her old bones down, dude, i'm talking like high billions." JJ turned to John B.

"this belongs in a- no! this belongs in a museum." John B interrupted JJ.

"what? so no one sees her?"

"JJ, everyone will in a museum." Caroline told her boyfriend.

"are you kidding me?" he asked.

"hey! it's my ancestors' cross!" Pope stopped their argument.

"right, okay. all right, all right. well.."

"this is bigger than money, and the world's gotta know the truth." Pope continued.

"yes. and if we don't get this shit outta here before Limbrey gets here, nobody's gonna know. so saddle up." John B said, Caroline walked over to the cross grabbing a side as did everyone else.

pulling the cross up was not easy, Caroline and John B pulled up groaning at how heavy it was as JJ, Kiara, Sarah and Pope pulled down. JJ started to complain about who wasn't lifting which everyone was but they couldn't even be able to hold it for long. everyone then started arguing on not being able to carry the cross as Pope quickly started to give up.

"okay, guys. i can't. i can't." Pope started lowering the cross.

"no, no, Pope! hang on there!"

"no, no, no, no! no!"

Pope dropped the cross throwing himself onto the bench, Caroline groaned moving her hands moving her hair away from her face.

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