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 "you're so funny, man

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"you're so funny, man." JJ called out, John B, Pope and Ace held JJ back from Topper knowing it won't end well if JJ was the one who started the fight.

"JJ, don't!" Ace said holding onto his arm so he wouldn't go near Topper.

"dirty Pogues!" Topper called out, John B rushed towards him pushing him back away from the crew.

"John B! we're supposed to be incognito, remember?" Pope told the boys getting in the middle of John B and JJ.

"babe, babe, babe, babe—" Sarah started to say, Topper didn't listen punching John B causing him to fall down. JJ started to pull away from Pope and Ace pushing him back more.

"hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" Topper kicked John B back into the water.

Ace ran over to Topper pushing him away from him "you did not just sat that." the girl snapped at him, Topper moved around her glaring at her as the crowd started to chant 'fight' multiple times.

John B quickly stood up throwing Topper in the water, "John B, let it go!" yelled Pope.

"stop, you guys!" Kie also yelled hoping the two would stop fighting.

the two boys continued to fight in the water punching their sides, John B punched Topper yet again, "come on!" John B yelled.

"you guys stop!" Kie yelled out once again as Topper punched John B who quickly went back up hitting his stomach and wrapping his arms around him to get him on the ground which he successfully did by flipping him into the water.

"come on, Topper! let's go! come on!" John B yelled.

Ace looked at the boys nervously grabbing her hair. the two boys continued to fight when Topper flipped John B a bit deeper in the water shoving his face in.

"Topper, stop! no!" Sarah yelled at her boyfriend.

"he's drowning him." Pope told the girls, "i know"

JJ ran up behind Topper pointing something at his head, Ace immediately froze up seeing what he was holding. Kie held her best friend closer to her backing up a little.

"JJ!" Ace yelled stepping forward, everyone started to run.

"put the gun down." Sarah said holding her hand out.

"did you say somethin', princess?" JJ yelled keeping his eyes on Topper.

Ace got closer to him hoping he'd listen, "JJ please!"

"we're good, we're good." Topper finally let go of John B putting his hands up.

"Caroline! can you check your psycho boyfriend, please?" Sarah yelled.

Ace looked at her and scoffed. "what about yours? look at what the hell he's doing and open your damn eyes!" Ace yelled at her.

"okay, everyone, listen up! get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ yelled aiming his gun up in the air shooting two warning shots.

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