Chapter 7: Atlas

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3rd pov

You were slowly waking up from your nap. Right on time to hear the conversation your friends were having. You also noticed that you were sitting beside Nora.

Weiss: I'm sorry you went through the nightmare. But I'm glad Yang was there for you in time. 

Blake and Yang smiled at Weiss and then at each other. Yang then held Blake's hand.

Yang: We were there for each other.

Nora: Took the words right out of my mouth. 

Jaune: *chuckles*

Ren pats Jaune's shoulder. Then everyone looks at Ruby. She looks at them in confusion, then after a few seconds, realizes what was gonna happen.

Ruby: Hey, stop it!

She said as she lifted up her hands.

Ren: You petrified a Leviathan after diving down the barrel of a cannon! 

Ruby: *embarrassed laughter*

Ruby: Don't act like you all haven't done crazy stuff before! U-uh...

She points at Oscar.

Ruby: I mean, Oscar made a successful crash landing! He's a 14-year-old farmhand!

Then she points at you.

Ruby: And this guy literally tanked an attack from a strong Grimm! He even threw the thing so hard the cliffside became rubble!

You let out a small smile from the recognition, though they didn't seem to notice that you were awake.

Jaune: Alright, Y/N, that was terrifying and at the same time, awesome. But Oscar, that was seriously impressive.

(Oscar gets more credit than you, yes)

Blake: We'd have been stranded without you.

Oscar: I...thanks but, I've been meaning to tell you guys. I didn't land the ship on my own. Ozpin...was with me.


Nora: ...Ozpin took control?! 

Oscar: No, he guided me...and then he was gone again.

Yang: Does that mean he's been watching us this whole time?

Oscar: I don't know, but...i-it at least means he was looking out for us.

You: ...I see.

Everyone flinched.

Nora: Don't do that to us Y/N!

You: I didn't do anything though.

Yang: Pfft..yeah, right.

You: Anyway, Ruby.

Ruby: hm?

You: You petrified the Leviathan? 

Ruby: Y-yeah...I did.

Weiss: Thanks to her silver eyes.

You: Wow...That's great Ruby.

Jaune: She also dived into the barrel of a cannon. 

You: The cannon of the robot?

Ren: Yep.

You: Whoa...I don't think I can do that. 

Nora: She got the Leviathan all by herself! With the help of Crodo!

You smiled at Ruby.

You: Good job Ruby, I'm proud of you.

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