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I was staring out my window when I finally saw the light from the sun diminish and the stars making a twinkling appearance in the sky.


I sighed and walked over to the mirror. I looked at myself as I tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. I actually liked the dress I was wearing a lot. The sleeves were sheer and long, cuffing around my wrists tightly. The fabric was silk smooth and hung snuggly around my waist. The pendant of my necklace hung around my neck and rested on my chest. I reached up and tucked it neatly in the top of my bodice.

I walked over to the wardrobe, opening the door and eyeing the dresses that were hanging elegantly on the rack. I noticed that Olesia replaced them every few days with new ones, so I never wore the same dress twice. I pushed the clothes aside, making the hangers clack together softly. I spotted my mother's purple-blue dress that I wore when I first got here.

My hands grabbed ahold of the thin fabric as I pulled it up to my face. I took a deep inhale, it had the faintest smell of home on it. Flour, sugar, dough, all mixed into a unique scent.

I missed the bakery, I missed my family. I use to spend most of my days helping my mother knead dough in the back, dusting pasties with butter and sugar. I loved to watch the look on people's faces when they tried our pastries for the first time. I dropped the dress, watching the fabric rock the hanger back and forth before closing the wardrobe.

A small knock on my door was all I needed to hear to understand that it was time to meet Harry in the courtyard. I followed behind a guard, listening to the light sounds of his armor clinking together as he walked. I wonder how comfortable that has to be, wearing metal all the time.

Before I knew it the guard was holding the door for me. A soft breeze pushed itself through the doorway, making the stray hairs around my face wisp backward. The air was thin and crisp tonight. I walked through, following the pathway to the center of the courtyard.

Tonight, Harry was standing directly in its center, his arms were crossed as he waited for me. He was in the same attire he was wearing earlier today, his thin crown tilted slightly on his head.

"What took so long?" He asked through a fit of frustration.

I shrugged, "are we in a rush?" I was done trying to play nice with him. He needed me, not the other way around.

He rolled his eyes, uncrossing his arms, and gestures me to follow him. I walk with him along the pathway as he weaved around bushes. Finally, he stopped in front of a rose bush, pointing his finger at a dead flower. "Tonight, we're going to try and heal this rose."

I furrowed my brows at him. How was I supposed to heal it when I couldn't even summon my magic.

He looked at me, seeing the confusion on my face. He rolled his eyes again, "it's one of the easiest things for a witch to do. Witches are heavily connected to a part of nature, this should come second hand to you." I watched as he cupped his hands around the dead rose, "you're going to cup your hands around it like this, don't squish it." He pulled his hands away, stepping to the side so I could have room.

I approached the dead rose, cupping my hands lightly around its blackened petals.

"Now, just like last night, imagine that feeling in your gut." He stood to the side of me, eyeing me as I closed my eyes to focus.

I did exactly as he taught the night before. I imagined the feeling I got from looking up at the stars. Home, a friend, a safe place. I shoved that feeling deep in my belly, trying to form it into a ball.

"Breathe, focus," He added.

It was like I could imagine the ball, harness the feeling, but it would fizzle out before I could do anything with it. I let out a long breath, opening my eyes and starting again. I looked up at the sky, focusing on the moon. Home, a friend, a safe place.

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