Thirty four

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"I'm not sharing a horse with you," I nearly spat, crossing my arms over my chest like a child throwing a fit. I know I shouldn't be demanding things out of him given the circumstances we were in, but I couldn't help myself. He was still angry with me, and I was equally angry with him. 

"Get on the damn horse Nuray," He gritted through his teeth. 

"No," I stated, planting myself in place. 

I couldn't let myself forget how terrible he'd been to me. I couldn't forget about the other night when he forced me to violently stab him over and over until I was a crying, screaming mess. Heavens be damned if he were going to demand more things out of me.

"Would you rather walk? Because I won't leave you, but you'll be coming back with me, one way or another, whether you'd like to or not."

"I'd rather find my horse," I pointed my chin towards the twisting woods around us. 

"You and I both know we won't be finding that horse anytime soon. He is lost to the trees," Harry responded annoyingly. "We'll ride together."

"No," I said, holding my ground. 

Harry let out a growl of disapproval, "Get on the horse or I'll make you. This is the last time I offer you a choice."

A choice. I nearly scoffed. As if he truly gave me a choice between anything.

I looked at him and the horse, who stood dauntingly beside him. I knew I wouldn't be able to win this argument. And I knew I wouldn't be able to find my horse even if I used my magic to search for it. As much as I didn't like him, as much as I still wanted to seek revenge on him, I knew that I didn't want to spend another day out here alone with him. The faster we arrived at the castle the better.

"We don't have all day Nuray," he snipped.

I let out a heavy huff, my magic stirring its the pits of my belly. Harry eyed me as I walked over to the horse, his jaw still hard. His look was more of a warning than anything, one that said he wasn't up for playing games. 

I narrowed my eyes on him, reaching out blindly to run my hand over the smooth short coat of the horse, giving it a gentle caress. I wanted to introduce myself to it before I mounted, just in case it would react differently to my magic. 

I placed my foot in the stirrup, reaching as much as I could for the handle. Harry broke his barring, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Good girl," he cooed in a tone that was warm and as rich as honey.

I nearly hissed at the sound of his voice, something in me heating at his words. But I wanted to erase what my body was feeling as soon as he took a swift step towards me, grabbing me gruffly by the hips, "What are you—" I said in shock, my body tensing under his touch. 

My body was lifted up as if I were as light as a feather. He placed me on the saddle of the horse before I had any time to protest. My skin lightly burned from the touch, the heat of him cooling and simmering as he stepped away. 

I turned on my seat, watching him dig through one of the saddlebags attached to the horse. His crown was back on his head, that blonde piece of me in his hair curling over the gold. 

"You need to eat," he demanded more than stated. 

"I'm not hungry," I said but my stomach betrayed me by letting out a loud rumble. Okay, maybe I was a little hungry, but he didn't need to know that.

I had been so caught up in my anger and frustration that I genuinely don't remember the last time I ate. Harry had cooked pasta the night he chased me into the woods but I had nothing but a mere taste of it. 

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