Twenty two

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I wasn't in my room long before Harry burst through my bedroom door.

"Do you have any idea of what you've just done?" Harry said to me. His features were tight, his nostrils flared as he stared down at me. My magic retreated to the darkest parts of my bones.

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it shortly after. Harry was mad— really mad.

"Not to mention you had to do it in front of the most important people in the kingdom, the people who directly support the crown," he raised his voice, darkness circling the green parts of his eyes.

"I couldn't control it," I said softly, looking down at my feet. I wanted to look anywhere but at him. I was still in my ballgown, I didn't have time to change before he came storming behind me.

"You don't understand the mess you just made. How am I supposed to righteously justify your actions? Unleashing your magic like that is extremely reckless, I thought you knew better."

"Why does it matter?" I asked, looking up at him. He was breathing heavier than normal, I could see the vein on his forehead making an appearance on his skin.

"Why does it matter?" He repeated my words, narrowing his eyes at me. "Because people now see you as a threat. And if I'm keeping you here they will see me as a threat too. You don't understand, this could cause a civil war if you're not careful."

"No," I stated, "why does it matter to you? You'll be leaving soon anyway, you don't really care about this kingdom, these people," I waved my hand in the air.

"I have been here for over six hundred years Nuray. I may come from the underworld but I do know how to be a civil ruler. I can't leave this place in ruins— for many reasons beyond my own."

"and what are your reasons?" I asked, staring up at him. I knew it was a dangerous game to be questioning him while he was angry.

His sharp features twitched at my question, darkness still swirling in his eyes. "I'm not here to be interrogated. I'm trying to figure out why'd you do something so stupid in front of all those eyes?"

"If you truly cared to be a civil ruler then you'd make changes for this kingdom, you'd stop raising taxes on the poor, you'd make all of the kingdom sustainable, not just the wealthy parts" I countered.

"The system of this kingdom was in place when I got here six hundred years ago. It's not my place to make changes to a kingdom that doesn't belong to me. I am here to occupy this space, keep the peace, and leave— that's it. If you're looking for someone to change Nuray you're looking at the wrong person," his words were harsh and dark.

I wanted to yell at him, argue with him, make him realize that his ego was too damn overblown— but I chose not to. I was already treading lightly by arguing with him. I had to know my limits with Harry, and I had a feeling I was close to one.

"What did you think would come of this? What did you think the outcome would be of unleashing your magic without understanding what you're doing?" Harry asked.

"I didn't know," I merely whispered, "I was only defending myself. I told her to back off and she wouldn't listen. My magic just... took over." I looked over his features and I knew he could tell that I was telling the truth by the way his eyes slightly softened.

He looked over me, looking like he wanted to say something else, but instead, he sighed, reaching up to rub his nose between two fingers, "witches are supposed to be healers, friends, nurturers, they are not meant to be feared. I can't have the whole kingdom fearing you."

"Why not? You were set to have me killed anyways when you leave," I said back to him, narrowing my eyes. Thinking about those words made me want to erupt in emotion.

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