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I sat on a wooden bench under a large shaded canopy.

I guess Evander convinced prince Harry to agree on letting me go with them. Although I had never been to a joust before, it wasn't something I was particularly interested in but it was refreshing to be out of the castle.

We were in a part of the kingdom I had never been to before. Its location was directly outside the castle. If I looked up I could still see the outside of the castle walls, large and tall, towering over the rest of the kingdom.

The arena was fairly large and held a great number of people. Guards stood around us, creating a protective barrier from the rest of the crowd. Harry sat beside me in a make-shift throne chair, Fallon sat on his other side, reaching out to touch him whenever she could. Evander was sitting to my right, filling me in on every detail of the event.

"That's sir Williams, one of the greatest jousters of our time," he said, pointing to a man who had just walked into the arena in front of us. I watched as the man bowed respectfully towards Harry, his armor reflecting brightly off the sun. "He's also one of my best knights."

People clapped as sir Williams walked off, heading towards his horse.

Another knight walked into view, he was smaller than sir Williams. "This is sir Edward, he's a bit new to knighthood, but he's still really good," Evander informed.

The man bowed in front of the Prince, then walked in the opposite direction. I watched as both men mount their horses. They were each handed lances as they closed the mask over their helmets.

"What's the point in this again?" I asked, watching the two men ready their horses.

"It's entertaining," Evander shrugged. "They mainly do it to earn royalties and gain respect."

I nodded, watching as both men charged on opposite sides of the divider. Sir Williams attempted to lunge at Edward but he dodged it. I listened as the crowd booed and shouted, some throwing bits of food into the arena. Both men passed each other and rounded the ends of the divider.

I peered over to Evander who looked fully invested in the event. His eyes were locked on the arena floor in front of us.

My head turned, looking at Harry who was sitting in his large chair. His crown was pushing his wavy curls flat across his forehead, his jawline was sharp as he watched.

There were so many questions I had about him, who he was, where he came from, why he was cursed, and what he plans on doing with me once the curse was broken. 

I thought about what the witch spirits had shown me the night before, his black eyes and wicked smile, what could he have done to them to make them feel that way? Was he responsible for the death of the last witch?

I was so lost in thought that I forgot I was still staring up at him. His green eyes swiftly snapped onto mine, startling me slightly. Quickly, I turned my head, hoping he didn't see me looking at him.

ugh, I mentally facepalmed.

The last thing I wanted was for him to think I was staring at him.

I looked down at the arena as sir William drove his lance into Edwards's chest, knocking him off his horse. The entire crowd, including Evander, stood and cheered. Sir William lifted his fists in the air in victory as his steed continued to circle the divider. Sir Edward stood, groaning while slowly walking back to his horse.

I seriously don't see what's so entertaining about this. 

Evander slowly sat back down, looking over to me, "did you see that?" he beamed. 

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